I thought, perhaps, that something was up when Stephen Maher's byline wasn't on McSushi Boy's piece published earlier today in the OCitizen.
And now, with a 7:01pm Eastern time stamp on the front of a mid-summer long weekend, all has been revealed in the latest from the Glimmer Twins which just went up in various Postmedia organs.
Here's their lede, and it's a doozy:
OTTAWA — An Elections Canada investigator has begun contacting contributors to Conservative MP Dean Del Mastro’s 2008 election campaign to inquire about alleged reimbursements paid by a company owned by the MP’s cousin.
Investigator Ronald Lamothe this week telephoned several donors who had each given $1,000 to Del Mastro’s campaign or riding association during the election.
But according to a lawyer who represents a group of donors, Lamothe didn’t get very far.
“My people are not talking to them,” said Allan Kaufman. “They’re like a clam.”
Kaufman had previously offered his clients’ testimony to Elections Canada in exchange for immunity from prosecution. The agency’s legal counsel rebuffed the offer, saying that only federal prosecutors could offer immunity.
Without a guarantee they won’t be prosecuted, Kaufman says, his clients will remain silent...
So, here's the thing?
Does this mean that Mr. Del Mastro will break into the taped-delayed edition of 'The House' tomorrow morning to tearfully plead his case moments after stepping out of a hastily-rented DMC-12?
Then again, come to think of it....
If the MP from Peterborough did have a working time machine....
Would Labatt's have ever bottled a certain beer with a certain number on the label?
Just asking.
The appropriate response to RFK Jr. is to destroy him
12 minutes ago
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