Monday, July 22, 2019

How Base Is Base? (#CdnPoli Edition)


The conventional media wisdom is that Donald Trump solidifies his base every time he brings out the worst in its members.

But can Mr. Trump win with that body politic-not to mention nation-, destroying strategy?

It's debatable but not impossible given that the American Electoral College helped Trump and Bannon win with just 46% last time. In addition, certain swaths of Mr. Trump's base punch way above their demographic weight.

And, in case you missed it, Mr. Trump's numbers have actually risen since he went on his latest overt racism rampage:

...President Donald Trump's overall approval rating ticked upward to 48 percent in July, compared to 45 percent in a NBC News|SurveyMonkey online poll in September. The president's disapproval rating decreased to 51 percent, compared to 54 percent in the September poll...



Does this type of thing mean that we will see such base brazeness during the upcoming Canadian Federal Election Campaign?

Well, given the past performance of Mr. Scheer and his current campaign chair, Mr. Hamish Marshall, there certainly have been whispers in the dog whistles according to the CBC's Catherine Cullen:

...During the (Conservative Party)leadership race (in 2017), Scheer and Marshall teamed up to run a campaign based on keeping the party united and not straying too far from the Harper orthodoxy on policy.

The campaign made a series of targeted pitches, like tax relief for families who homeschool their children. In another pledge, he said he would "prioritize real refugees" by standing up for persecuted Christian minorities in a way the campaign said the Liberals had failed to do.

Scheer also pledged to pull federal grant funding from universities that didn't defend free speech, though he has since said that wouldn't apply to "extreme examples" like white nationalist rallies...

But will Mr. Scheer go all in on the overt stuff in a Trumpian way in the run-up to the October 21st vote?

Given that Mr. Marshall is an avowed master of the demographic slice 'n dice b/w psychological profiling, I doubt that will happen in the early going.

However, if Mr. Scheer does not do well with the middle and the Greens rise enough to significantly impact Liberal numbers in multiple ridings, including in BC's lower mainland, Mr. Marshall's microtargetting of the various and sundry psych-rages visible within his rebellious database just may go macro in an effort to squeeze every single possible vote out of the base.

After all, don't forget that the last time Liberal numbers sank significantly in 2011, Mr. Harper won a majority with...

Wait for it...




e.a.f. said...

Given Hamish Marshall worked with Ezra Levant at The Rebel and given the type of "garbage" they published I expect the Cons to go full out racist, etc. if they think it will work. Expect them to do it in quebec for sure, given they have already gone hitler with their "secular" routine. In my opinion that legislation was to remove Muslim women from the roles they have taken on in quebec society. It will also removed Sikh men. Not many Jews in Quebec are ultra orthodox, but those too will be removed from sight and government work

Now if you go back to the history of Hitler and his rise to power, after being named Chancellor of Germany, in Jan. 1930, by 7 April 1933 Jews were excluded from the civil service. In April 1933 Jewish activity in the medical and legal professions were curtailed and Jewish Doctors could no longer be reimbursed for their work from the public health insurance funds.

Now if any of para 2 sounds even vaguely familiar, its what is happening in Quebec. Not like Hitler, but its getting there. Its the Canadian spin, we have to save "our"
heritage. It achieves the same ends. Do you really think the Premier of Quebec is finished with his "agenda"?

Now south of the border, we have Trump full on fascist with round ups and concentration camps. there is talk of revoking citizenship of some Americans
Do we see a couple of million in the streets protesting? do we hear from every pulpit in the country about it? Do we hear movie stars and pop stars talking about it? When you remain silent you are saying its O.K.
So if the question is will the Conservatives go full on? Yes, they will if it will get them elected. Remember Herr Harper's first act was to defund all women's groups, in receipt of federal funds. go have a look at the view point of the fascists regarding a woman's roll in life and the state...........

In my opinion Ezra Levant's writings smack of fascism and given Hamish marshall worked with him, well when you lie with dogs you get up with fleas.

Racism is still alive and well when it comes to Indigenous People in this country. Harper allocated less money for health and education for Indigenous children than the rest of the children in the country. After all the promises the Liberals made to the First Nations, they still don't have clean running water from their taps which they can drink. Canada seems to be just fine with it.

As reported by RossK, the federal Liberals found $8M to $10M a year for Post Media in the form of tax breaks so the "legacy" press could be "preserved". And as the article says, they didn't tell you the 5 top C.E.O.S of Post Media make a grand total of $10M a year for grinding the organization into almost bankruptcy. $8M to $10M to save the Vancouver Sun and Province, but no $10M for clean drinking water on a to me that smacks of racism. Indigenous children are less important than CEOs of Post media. Indigenous children can die from that water, their health seriously impaired, but Post Media CEO's need that $10M to keep up their golf green fees.
Remember Hitler got to power with less than 40% of the vote, so did Trump, why not our own version of fascism?

RossK said...

Time will tell e.a.f.--

At least initially, my prediction is that the Glimmer Twins will play the dogwhistle-driven microtarget game until polling/focus numbers and/or a need to demonstrate hard right bonafides in the face of a successful onslaught from, say, Mad Max force them to go the overt route.

The latter, however, will only occur if the super-right flank protection plan provided by Mr. Levant and his minions breaks down.
