Let's compare this...
...The (2020) budget includes a new top tax rate of 20.5 per cent on taxable income above $220,000, an increase from the current top rate of 16.8 per cent that applies to income above about $155,000.
(NDP Finance Minister Carole) James said that it makes sense to tax the top one per cent of earners more to help fund the services people need. “We believe they’ve benefited from a strong economy, and we believe they can contribute a little bit more.” The new rate matches levels in Ontario and Quebec...
To this...
B.C. Liberal party Leader Christy Clark has defended a little-known provincial tax rebate program that was expanded in 2014 to attract international banks and investment firms to Vancouver and is possibly linked to greater amounts of overseas cash coming into the local real estate market.
“We want to re-establish British Columbia as a location for head offices around the world, and I think reaching out to Asia and getting those head offices here is a good way to do that,” said Clark on Wednesday, downplaying a New York Times report which questions the 29-year-old program’s job creation results, transparency, and benefits to B.C. residents. The report states the program has cost $140 million in tax refunds and created up to 300 jobs.
According to the New York Times report there are 82 companies in the program called AdvantageBC which may be entitled to a tax refund of up to 100 per cent of their corporate income taxes. Their names and their claim amounts are not disclosed by the province’s Ministry of Finance, which oversees the program. B.C. government documents show that under the program workers who earn over $100,000 a year and are hired from outside B.C. are given income tax breaks...
...Former Liberal finance minister Colin Hansen is CEO of AdvantageBC...
If you get my drift.
As for all that other stuff that Norm Farrell is chronicling that has not changed from a comparative point of view?....Well, I agree that that is a big problem.
Fire Sale!
1 hour ago
In-Sights is a worthy reference, and I did yesterday, as I have from time to time in the past, done a search on a salient topic and sent the search link either to a correspondent or pasted it into a social media post/reply, such that the interlocutor gets a nice bouquet of scandalously good perspective and documentation on the topic. Dear John, along with his somewhat mixed bag of supposedly socially aware MLAs, has moved from the Nice to the Naughty box.
Danneau (and Norman if you stop by)--
I, too, am very concerned about the mixed bag.
It sure would be great if some knowledgable Dipper insider would go on the record to explain what the big picture plan is from all perspectives (i.e. political, social and economic).
Perhaps a particular reader who sometimes jumps into the fray around here would like to comment?
Just read Norm's latest post...
Obviously, I should have added 'environment' to the perspectives listed above.
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