Taking his cue from one of Lotusland's top layers of the astroturf from days gone by, a fine fellow who once successfully helped push for a big dollar policy change with a protesty-ish gang of six (count 'em, six!) that led to the building of the ice bomb bridge, the Keef sounds off:
When called on it by Sandy Garossino, the Keef came up with a most interesting, if not laughable, retort:
I mean, even if it was tongue-in-cheek, what the heckfire?
As always with this stuff, take note of the timestamps....
Previous Keef Reports can be found...Here.
Fire Sale!
58 minutes ago
Didn't look a the time stamp, but wondered if he had watched glowball news at 11 p.m. last evening with Reminai D. She reported breathlessly on the impending economic disasters about to fall upon us. 40 ships in the harbour, some business dude and decorator waxing on about how our not doing so well economy could go for a dump if this all continues. The rail ways, the railways, yikes. the price of gas may not go up, but rationing may begin with some sort of tape on the pumps--don't remember the colour, but it was breathless and perhaps designed to create a panic. Resulted in the best laugh I'd had for a day or so. the world will end, we must get the rail ways running again. Trudeau has to do something. No one seemed to be able to say what, but he had to do something to open the rail lines.
My take on it, Global was attempting to incite panic but so as to not seem racists, they didn't really mention Indigenous People.
Cabinet Ministers have been clear they don't want a repeat of Iperwash or Oka. Perhaps the some press does, it provides for things to cover and their corporate master's friends will be happy again, not to have all those "privileged" Indigenous people protesting.
Keith and some of the other "white boys" are doing their usual racist thing, Indigenous people aren't capable of organizing or running protests. Radicals have taken over. If they can sell that to the public, when the RCMP or whomever plows in, no one will consider the deaths or injuiries of any one as being Indigenous. Just some radicals from urban centers.
I'm old but not suffering from dementia. Went back and read that 2008 post and remembered it! Seems like only yesterday.......
Baldrey never was a journalist.
Interesting, Rossk, your link to Keith Baldrey posts on your blog. https://pacificgazette.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-keef-reportmackin-slammed_16.html
Keith Baldrey@keithbaldrey
10:50 PM Aug, 15, 2019
I suggest everyone stay off twitter regarding the latest SNC and Trudeau thing. Not a reflection of where the public is. Just did a dog park party with 20 folks in Victoria. Not a single one knew or cared what this is about.
Keith Baldrey
On February 9, 2020
The Keef Report....Defines 'Massive'
"I'm betting public opinion is massively...."
which is just the same as (another dog park party with 20 folks in Victoria)
Canadas least favorits somg right now?
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