From the leader of the BC Liberal Party's twittmachine feed, Saturday:
What does the good Mr. Wilkinson actually want done?
More regulation that he, his friends and his political uncles can then call 'red tape' that must be reduced, preferably on, say, a super-special media stunt-fueled 'day'?
Subsidies of multinational insurance corporations that he, his friends and political uncles would then decry before later burying the costs under some sort of super-secretive 'Advantage' project?
Nationalization of the property insurance industry while he, his friends and his political uncles simultaneously call for the dismantling of ICBC?
The (stealthy socialist) expediency, it burns...
Fire Sale!
1 hour ago
Privatize the profits,
Socialize the losses.
It's the BC Liberal way!
Maybe Mr. Wilkinson you may want to talk to your pals in the non union construction companies to see if they have any solutions. The insurance companies are probably in part getting ahead of the next wave of strata units falling apart after being soaked through. I wonder if he remembers this.....
Nothing has changed, they are still being built.
Strange that Mr. Wilkinson doesn’t see the need for any study of what is a nationwide problem. The Insurance Bureau of Canada, a major campaign donor to his leadership campaign and to the BC Liberals, is striking a task force to do just that.
He’s not very good at this, is he?
The B.C.Lieberals want to score some political points, but Wilkinson like Johal, just wails on without any suggestion.
They are the party of free enterprise, so let the market decide, that's their line and now the NDP will most likely let that happen. there is no way the government can insure all these condos. When so many are under housed, use over 50% of their income to rent a home or are homeless the government can not use tax dollars to bail the condo owners out.
Insurance companies are looking for the government to increase the insurance companies profits. I suspect condos which are frequently rented out and not owner occupied cost insurance companies more than owner occupied units and then want things to change. Some thing is u p with the insurance companies and the federal government might want to have a look see because if the insurance companies don't get the money from the condo owners, the owners of single family dwellings will be next. In the mean time Wilkinson needs to decide what he really wants. he just can't stand there and whine.
It all started with the lieberals. Let us not forget that.
Live by the market, die by the market.
I'm just not sure its about the market. Haven't done any research, but oh, wait perhaps Norm Farrell will have a look.......
If some one with more energy than I, this week would have a look at what the profits are for Insurance companies, how many of them are "hooked into" a bank, have insurance company profits gone up or down in the past two years, are fewer people insuring their condos than previously, what are the stock prices of some of those insurance companies and how many of them are American or European owned. We might find the answer there, but this week researching is out of the question. So is next week. I'm thinking of cleaning out the garage before the insurance company decides they won't insure me any more. ..........
Those over 65 no longer have to pay property taxes. they can be deferred. It crossed my mind perhaps insurance companies realized this is "extra" money they could shovel up.......
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