As we noted in the last edition of the KReport, our man about Victoria town recently said the following in a most provocative post-yardarm tweet:
At that time we wondered what information, exactly, the good Mr. Baldrey was using to the come to the conclusion that public opinion was massively against the protests against protests at the ports and the legislature (i.e. in British Columbia).
Since then Angus Reid has actually released poll results on just that matter:
A 'massive' majority?
Gosh, I see a plurality nationally with significant undecideds.
As for British Columbia?
In aggregate it's 49% opposed and 46% in favour which, when taking into account the margin of error, is essentially a dead heat.
To give the Keef his 'corrective' due, more recently he just uses the term 'majority'....But when fine media folks throw conclusions into the mix based on nothing that, themselves, influence public opinion....Well?
Looking at those AReid numbers, above....Based on StatsCan numbers, Is not Sask/Man oversampled given that their combined pops is barely half that of BC?
Subtitle got your earworm turning?....This!
Fire Sale!
1 hour ago
Basically the same number as the stupid assholes who vote conservative in this country.
plus or minus the Maxie Boyz.
thwap made me laugh!
Took off my socks and figured out there was more support, at one level or another, for the protestors, than not.
perhaps Keith is simply "shilling" for his masters and hoping the public believes it. Post Media and associates maybe concerned about their advertisers and their stock portfolios. They're hoping they can influence politicians, who aren't that dumb, into doing something, anything to ensure their profits don't fall.
They may also want these protestors gone because Alberta has the Teck mine vote coming up. if the protestors are "emboldened" by their current success who knows what they might do with Teck and then its only a few more protests and Indigenous People might have some political clout. That would never do for the resource extraction business nor those who ought to be cleaning up Grassy Narrows and a few other places.
My guess is that Mr. B. often makes assumptive conclusions based on who he runs into and who he runs with.
There is also the added fact that most of the folks who still watch the nightly TeeVee news with any regularity at all (i.e. the members of the 'public' he hears from most often) have an average age that is older than Woodstock (1st edition).
Given that the BC sample size is n=191, the margin of error is a massive 7% for all of the answers, with a margin >10% for individual categories.
The 36% who "strongly oppose" could equally be 25-47%.
Not to mention the fluidity of opinion on this thing as actual decent reportage and informed opinion that takes into account the various perspectives of the situation finally start to emerge.
And why are these things taking so long?...Well, there is the matter that so many the big proMedia outlets had essentially no boots/eyes/pens/phones/cameras on the ground through the first week or so...And that, at least at the beginning, had little or nothing to do with the egregious exclusionary actions of the Horsemen on site.
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