Thursday, August 02, 2012

Northern Gateway A-Go-Go....Another Point Of View


I offered up my take earlier today based on the latest Forum Poll that provides a great view of the (not)Premier's dead cat bounce.

Then Harvey Oberfeld had a very different take based on Reid Poll numbers about what British Columbians do or do not, or might not, or maybe don't think about Enbridge's big play.

And now....

Well, Ian Reid gives his take taking both polls into account. It makes for most interesting reading.

Particularly this part:

 ...(The) basic mistake in the National Post piece (which, like Mr. Oberfeld uses the A Reid poll numbers) and Clark’s strategy in general is this:  BC voters aren’t making up their mind on issues like this.  Clark’s numbers aren’t in the tank because of Enbridge.  They’re in the tank because the average voter doesn’t trust Clark and her BC Liberal government one bit.
And who can blame voters?  The BC Liberals lied about BC Rail.  They lied about the deficit in 2009.  They lied about the HST.  Isn’t it common sense to assume they’re lying about Enbridge and that the day after the election a re-elected BC Liberal government would sit down with Enbridge and start laying pipe?
A commentator who finds it “startling” that Clark hasn’t changed that with a staged performance piece at a Premier’s meeting shouldn’t be reporting on BC politics...

You gettin' any of this in the proCorpMedia?



Anonymous said...

Thing is. Harper and Campbell signed a sneak deal behind our backs. The deal is, Harper can force the Enbridge pipeline onto BC. They rushed to get this done, before Campbell got the boot.

Mind you, Campbell stuck around until, he and Harper dismantled BC. That's why Campbell was given his post as High Commissioner to England, for doing Harper's dirty work for him.

Christy and her BC Liberals, also work for Harper. She had Boessenkool, one of Harper's favorite boys working for her. Boessenkool works for Harper and lobbies for Enbridge.

Harper and his Campbell/Clark BC Liberals, will never be trusted or believed, by the people of BC. NEVER.

Beijing York said...

More evidence that Clark is on the same page as the Harper Reformatories:

(I made her out as an opportunist but it seems she is drinking the same Christian fundamentalist koolaid.)

Eleanor Gregory said...

I love your blog roll but just can't figure out how you find the time to find so much, write so much and post so much in a day. Do you sleep much?

RossK said...


RSS feeds are a wonderful thing...

(and/or a curse)

Truth be told - it's experiment season, there's a lot of hurry up/do a bunch of stuff fast, and then wait around a while for things to incubate/spin/digest, etc. (over and over and over again) during days like these.


RossK said...


Overall, I do not disagree with what you are saying. Please feel free to come forward with new specifics though so that we can move things along...For example, regarding Mr. Bossenkool - according to AGT, Mr. K really gave CC a dressing down for her attack on Alberta...If that really happened don't you think that says something interesting about how desperate the (not)Premier has become?

Thanks BY--

(I think)
