Double-Secret Probation Update, 2:00pm Tuesday: Marcella Bernardo of the (nolongerso)Giant'98 is reporting that it is game back on again for real given that the judge has made her ruling....Actually, I think that Ms. Bernardo just may have pushed the envelope a little on the PBan....Despite that we've just gotta wonder who looked happier leaving the courtroom....Billy or Mikey B?....
Update, 1:00pm Tuesday: The rumours, innuendos and the proMedia were ALL wrong....Because there is no jury today....More legal wrangling and faux cattle rustling....Mr. Brown, however, is supposed to be on the stand tomorrow though....From the 'credit-where-credit-is-due' department, Neal Hall of the VSun has an interesting value-added tidbit, which is that the late starts this week (11:15am) are to accomodate a juror who is taking an apprenticeship course that starts at.....Get this!.....6:00am....Which, of course, is an extremely ironic juxtaposition to Supreme Court Officer's hours
Rumour, innuendo, and even a proMedia report or two, has it that the jury will actually be back in the RailGate courtroom today so that the cross-examination of Gordon Campbell's chief-of-staff Martyn Brown will finally resume once again.
When we last off, way, way back on June 17th the proceedings came to a screeching halt when, as Bill Tieleman noted:
When Brown was last on the witness stand lawyer Michael Bolton, representing David Basi, asked Brown if he knew that RCMP Inspector Kevin DeBruyckere was the brother-in-law of BC Liberal Party Executive Director Kellly Reichert.
Special Prosecutor Bill Berardino objected to that question before Brown could answer and the cross examination was suspended at that point.....
Why did Mr. Bolton ask such a question and why, indeed, did Mr. Berardino object so strenuously?
We figure you could, if you were so inclined, place your bets on a number of possible faaaaaantastical Fantasy-Gardenesque, PresqueVuvian-type options, based on presumably imaginary conversations that may (or may not) have ever taken place between the good Inspector and BC Liberal Party Exec. Director:
a) Mr. R. mentioned to Inspector DeB. that he really, really misses those whacky Radio NL days up in 'The Loops' when he could burst into Claude Richmond's constituency office at all hours of the day and night and ask him absolutely anything without being told to go FOI himself?
b) Inspector DeB. bragged to Mr. R. that the moniker 'Project Every Which Way' was actually all his idea?
c) Mr. R. asked Inspector DeB. if he had ever come across the long searched-for, but never found, 'Bud Smith Cell Phone Blooper-Reel Tapes' in the Horsemen's secret hiding place?
d) Both agreed, in low, secretive whispers, that they kinda/sorta wished that they had taken their shots as back-up singers with the Backstreet-B-Boys back in the day.....Especially on the tunes with all the high-falsettos and spin moves.
e) None of the above?
Place your bets!
(or feel free to offer up your own not-so plausible alternatives in The Comments....But please always remember that absolutely no pre-trial publication bans whatsoever can be harmed in any and all bouts of participatory snarkolepsy)