Got a little smarter than usual at bedtime last night and rolled the longwave down the dial from the sportstalkifiers to the MoCo.
Which meant that I woke to the news that the Clarklandians proudly trumpeting the fact that they spend $119 million per year on child care.
Which, of course, doesn't quite make that $300 million dollar a year private school nut.
Don't the well-off need daycare?
And don't get me started on Mary Poppins and all that....After all, there is a reason that family was called 'Banks'.
The Early Childhood Educators of BC actually give the government a little more credit, and make a solid economic case for universal $10 a day care.
The appropriate response to RFK Jr. is to destroy him
30 minutes ago
$119 Million seems to be a common number to be doled out when politically necessary, eh
Indeed it is.
And then there's Stephaniiiaaa giving the same damn response she does in every death. Take some time and look into the day care system that the Richmond California School District put into place in the 40's to provide day care for the "Rosie The Riveters" that built war ships in Richmond. My Mom was one of those Rosie's . They where stand alone buildings within walking distance to schools and Mom's dropped the kids off in the morning and picked them up after work. They were staffed by trained day care workers.After the war my mom continued to work in the electronics field building ( by hand) the first computers for Beckman Industries.I attended Pullman Daycare in the 50's. There we played music,did tie dye, pottery, and lots of arts and crafts.We walked to school when it was time and came back after school till we were picked up. These day cares are still in operation today serving mostly minority single mothers. Now I realize that purpose built facilities may not by possible in metro Vancouver but there are other buildings that could be converted.No,toddlers don't have the cash for big meet-ups which seems to me sad because they good really speak to the toddlers running(ruining) this place.
Sorry but my coffee hadn't kicked in. Were not Where, and could not good. Intent is the same however.
sd, if this is how you run without coffee, I suggest a cup and run for office. You'd get my vote. quality day can be provided and it can be based on income.
Good qualify day care provides jobs and benefits society. it better for business, families, parents, and kids; even the environment. funerals aren't environmentally friendly. Christy Clark doesn't get it, or rather, in my opinion she doesn't care. We have seen a line of dead children in this province and nothing happens. we may or may not get a few words from Christy and her cabinet minister and then its another dead kid. if parents treated their kids the way the government politicians do, they'd be on trial, well in Alberta they put them on trial.....
Clark is making a big deal out of allocating more money to schools. Well its only because a UNION, THE BCTF WON IN THE SUPREME COURT OF CANADA, that there is any money going into schools. Given all the schools which were closed and sold off, they would have made good day care centers with some work. Government already owned the land and the buildings were partially there. Jobs refurbishing them would have provided, gee jobs and kids would have been protected and cared for. All we have to do is put day cares in schools. the land and buildings are there. one stop drop offs.
Based on the evidence we have to date Christy Clark and the B.C. Lieberals don't care how many children in this province die or suffer. its all about those who come to the pay to play soirees. the rest can drop dead and they do with great regularity.
decent child care is only for the rich and/or lucky. Christy and the b.c. lieberals still haven't figured out children are a societies most valuable resource.
Thanks e.a.f., I spent the last 15 years of my 33 years of teaching in inner city elementary schools. I watched as the lieberals ripped the core services out of the public system while doubling our tax money to religious and for profit non-union schools. When we were on the picket line we were told by parents to keep up the good fight and to defend their kids education. Crustie didn't, and doesn't get it, that parents want good public education.
From the archives...
There was once a brief moment in time when Ms. Clark was, back when she was the minister most not-responsible for children, apparently interested in daycare kinda/sorta - especially the unlicensed kind.
Back then rumours abounded that this was really just the front matter for big corp-driven cookie-cutterization that has since gained a toe hold 'round here.
sd and eaf--
And don't forget what the Ron of all Obviousness told the BCTF to do prior to their taking things to the Supremes...
do ethically challenged adults qualify as toddlers?
Point taken.
Especially those that are afraid of stairs?
Stairs, Ha!
the wild west wing it repub neo party./
Speaking of the 'West Wing' (Obama edition)....
They're back!
With the cleverly titled 'Pod Save America'.
Very cool.
Check out their 'interview' with Barry O, in the White House, during his last day in office.
You can find it at the link, above.
B.C. is overdue for a corruption inquiry
"B.C. is overdue for a corruption inquiry" but this isn't Quebec and we won't have one. The RCMP don't care. They report to Ottawa and that is their only interest, not to mention it is those B.C. Lieberals who gave them a 20 year contract. Without that contract they would have been a tad over loaded with excess officers. Don't ever expect the RCMP in B.C. to do much of anything when it comes to political corporation. They have barely been able to get their act together to deal with the dealers of fent. In my opinion the RCMP in B.C. are just part of the pay to play gang.
Hey BC, when you keep cutting the red tape eventually someone dies?
Must be hard running the province,feels like from a country club?helicopters,private jets,million dollar photographers?
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