Tuesday, February 14, 2023

OMG!, 4th Edition...We Can Gag You Now And We Can Gag You Later.


I don't know about you but I sure have been wondering why we have heard so little from the journalists that were suddenly fired from Overstory Media Group's flagship news outlet 'Capital (Victoria) Daily' the day before they and their compatriots announced that they were planning to unionize.


It looks like Ethan Cox, writing in Ricochet, can likely explain the 'on-the-record' silence:

"...Many OMG employees signed non-disclosure agreements prior to joining the company, and those that were fired were required to sign new “non-disparagement” agreements in order to receive their severance payments. In this context, sources have requested anonymity in this reporting due to fear of retaliation..."


You might argue that the young journos concerned should, and could, have thumbed their noses at the gag-a-phonic severances.

However, it's important to remember that they were all left high and dry with few immediate prospects.

As for the tech-bro and the former hivester running the company?

Not so much.

More to come...Including a comment on the softballing of the story by Canadaland.
Image and sub-header?...This.



Gordie said...

There is an interesting show on Global TV at 1:00 pm Saturdays called Employment Law. The lawyer on the show talks a lot about being fired or laid off. The journalists who were let go should have talked to this guy. It's unlikely that OMG could refuse to pay the severance if the journalists didn't sign the non disparagement agreement.

RossK said...



If they had been given a chance to organize?


e.a.f. said...

iF THEY wouldn't take a stand on being fired, how good would they have been as journalists, ie. un biased reporting.

If they'd phoned Labour Relations. there is something about employers having to give notice or two weeks pay and in some cases more than two weeks pay.

If a prospective employer wants you to sign a non disclosure clause it should be a "red light". Some companies may require it because of the confidential nature of the work, but a newspaper, OMG. you know they werre up to something.