Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Where Have All The Bean Counters Gone?


Awhile back we noted that Mr. Trudeau's feds have spent a whole lot of money (i.e. about $100,000,000) to hire a global consulting firm called McKinsey & Co., chiefly to assist 'us' (i.e. as opposed to Mr. Trump's Icemen) with immigration matters.

As you might imagine this type of thing is happening pretty much everywhere.

Case in point, Norm Farrell, as only he can, has dug into the public accounts to determine how much our provincial government has spent bringing in outside accountants in the last five years.

The number is staggering:

It's hard not to conclude that this kind of stuff is signaling a wholesale privatization of all aspects of the public service pretty much everywhere.

But is it better?

Norm provides evidence, examples and opinionated which strongly suggests that it is not.



NVG said...

Your title: Where Have All The Bean Counters Gone
My version: Where Have All The BEEN Counters Gone

RossK said...


Point taken!
