Thursday, July 09, 2015

Healthcare Worker Firing (ctd)...Ms. Anton Says She Is The Boss Of Cabinet-Type Stuff.

....Or some such thing.

The above is from Clarklandian Attorney General Ms. Anton's very fast 'response' to Ombudsman Jay Chalke's concern letter.

You can read Ms. Anton's response, in its entirety, here.

As for Clarklandian 'protocols' and what their true value is....


Thanks to an Anon-O-Mouse, in the comments for the heads-up....Ms. Always Campaigning's handiwork was linked-to in a solid story from Cindy Harnett in today's VTC....More to come...



G West said...

In the end, this is really all about whether or not this government has the intention of actually opening up and permitting an airing of these matters (it's not a question of money) in a completely public way. This is really about managing the information and keeping secrets from the public.

Anonymous said...

labyrinth of lies?

Don F. said...

G West is correct,keeping secrets from the public. We all know this yet are willing for some strange reason to play this game. This is all happening because this government won't come clean on what took place.
We are being played for fools of the highest order. We are actually begging now. There is something very very wrong here when we are letting the instigators decide on the procedures. All of this at best is a total waste of our time and money.
Seriously consider that we are now asking the very people responsible to investigate themselves and trusting they will do so . I think not...

Anonymous said...

Have to agree with the above comments. Nothing more than a public inquiry will do. The person to head this must have no connections and no interests owing to this government or the NDP. Will we see this? Highly doubt it, I'd be surprised. Too much at stake.

dan said...

A 10 page letter from Chalke is answered within 24 hours?

I can’t help but think she had access previous to public knowledge of Chalke’s tome along with the possibility that both are performing a pillow fight for the benefit of the public eye.

This entire exercise could be theatre with every one of them in on it.

I don’t believe a word any of them state publically any longer.

The credibility of anyone involved with this government is zero.

Anonymous said...

"pillow fight" well said. Cabinet records locked in lead. Whistleblower needed more than ever now to expose those records.

G West, Victoria said...

Another unsigned editorial in the July 10 Sun:

Seems to me even the worms are turning on this one!