Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Grandstanding During A Crisis...Dumb And Dumber.


Apparently, the leader of the the B.C. Liberal Party, Andrew Wilkinson, has a problem with John Horgan leaving things to the competent professionals.

Here is the good Mr. Wilkinson asking a question on Mo Amir's local Lotuslandian podcast recently:

"Where's John Horgan?"

Interestingly, as soon as he asks said question Mr. Wilkinson immediately answers it.


"Well, about once a week they trot him out with something that seems to be almost marginal. And yet, every Premier and Governor in North America is on TV, radio, the Web every day talking about the status in their community and talking about what needs to get done."


I guess Mr. Wilkinson wishes Mr. Horgan would just get out there and muddy the waters with super-fine, uber-leadersbraumish, de-regulatory, wrexskittish pronouncements like, say, this:

Albertans should have access to COVID-19 tests, medicines and vaccines approved by trusted regulators in other countries, Premier Jason Kenney says.

On Monday, Kenney said products approved by European or American health regulators should be available for use in Alberta even while awaiting Health Canada's approval.

"The direction I've given our officials is if we see a highly credible regulator, medications in a peer jurisdiction like the European Union, Australia or the United States that has approved a test or a vaccine or medication, we should pursue that," he said on CBC's Power and Politics. "We should not wait for Health Canada to catch up."...


Update: Bob Mackin weighs in in the comments, noting that Mr. Amir's pod is a favourite and, apparently, friendly place for the good Mr. Wilkinson to make pronouncements unchallenged....Case in point previously?....This.



Bob Mackin said...

It's Adman Andy's fave podcast. The host does not require him to bring facts.

RossK said...

Thanks very much Bob.

A most helpful illustration of past performance by both the pol and the podcaster.

Will update post.


Keith said...

The good doctor is a master at ‘dog whistle politics”. But does it ever cross his and the advisers mind that it may get a “right on dude” from the party faithful but does very little to encourage swing voters who have seen many similar statements, to want join a club where he is the leader.?

A few votes more and he would have been handling the pandemic in B.C.

RossK said...


I wonder who Dr. Who would be blaming for the long term care home situation if he was in change...

Ujjal Dosanjh maybe?


e.a.f. said...

oh please Keith that is going to give me nightmares for a week. Wilkie in charge in the middle of a pandemic. As to Jason, sure am happy I live in B.C. If he's willing to use anything coming out of those other areas he mentions perhaps he'd like to take the first injection. We have already seen what has happened in one of the treatments touted by trump and company--people died. yes and we can expect what ever comes out of the u.s.a. will be rushed because trump wants it so he can win the upcoming election. No nothing out of the u.s.a. is going to be safe right now. they are becoming the no.l joke of the world. Not only has trump handled the whole virus thing like the idiot he is but people are dying, hand over fist. The u.s.a is loosing all their credibility on the world stage. so if Jason wants to go for it, fine, but let him go first, then the rest of his cabinet. I'll wait until health Canada says its O.K. You see I remember that drug tholidimode. (sorry about the spelling mistake)