I don't know about you all, but I have been doing my best to keep my outrage meter hidden in the closet for the duration.
However, this, just in from Michael Shear and Sarah Mervosh, writing in the NYTimes, is just too much:
WASHINGTON — President Trump on Friday openly encouraged right-wing protests of social distancing restrictions in states with stay-at-home orders, a day after announcing guidelines for how the nation’s governors should carry out an orderly reopening of their communities on their own timetables.
In a series of all-caps tweets that started two minutes after a Fox News report on the protesters, the president declared, “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” and “LIBERATE MINNESOTA!” — two states whose Democratic governors have imposed strict social distancing restrictions. He also lashed out at Virginia, where the state’s Democratic governor and legislature have pushed for strict gun control measures, saying: “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!”
His stark departure from the more bipartisan tone of his announcement on Thursday night suggested Mr. Trump was ceding any semblance of national leadership on the pandemic, and choosing instead to divide the country by playing to his political base.
Echoed across the internet and on cable television by conservative pundits and ultraright conspiracy theorists, his tweets were a remarkable example of a president egging on demonstrators and helping to stoke an angry fervor that in its anti-government rhetoric was eerily reminiscent of the birth of the Tea Party movement a decade ago...
This is fascism, plain and simple.
And anyone who normalizes these words, actions and deeds, by going along to get along, even if their intentions are noble, is just making it worse.
And by anyone, at this point I have to very reluctantly, with great regret, include Anthony Fauci.
Please note: I removed all of the Gray Lady's links to Mr. Trump's tweets in the passage above on purpose.
Meanwhile, Washington governor Jay Inslee has responded by saying Mr Trump is fomenting domestic rebellion.
Understanding America’s Betrayal Of Ukraine
1 hour ago
Could not agree more with your comment about Dr. Fauci.
Can’t think of anyone who has worked for Trump that has had their reputation enhanced through that association. Some go to jail, some quit in exasperation, some are fired, and some hang in there in obsequious hope they alone will survive the experience. But all, without exception, are forever tarnished.
Dr. Fauci could become the exception by throwing down the gauntlet in the public interest. But his time to act is short, and I fear his leash is even shorter.
and a good portion of the population has guns (and ammo)
Targeting these states doesn’t appear his random ravings.
Clinton won Virginia by 5%,, Minnesota by 1.5% . He won Michigan by 0.23% , also Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer is one of the names punted as a possible vice presidential candidate. This bottom feeder garbage on the face of it would be to many outside his “base”, (an apt description) just trump being deranged, but he needs these states next election.
More protests to come,? you betcha, just got to rev up the rent-a-crowd via the education secretary’s family...
Fauci is in the tough spot many before him were, suffer the fool and be a barrier of sorts between the idiocy and more than necessary people dying, or chuck it in. To his credit he is on CNN spreading the word, and on fox pushing back on the stupidity. However, it might be time for him to pull the plug on this gig, the idiocy continues despite his work and the U.S. would be better served by him on the outside working with the states directly. They wanted trump, they got him.
Looks like Trump's rat fuckers at work.
" of the major forces behind the group in Michigan was a political group that has direct ties to and has historically been heavily funded by the family of the Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos (though said family denies direct involvement in last weeks protest)?"
Asked today about the crowded reopened beaches in Florida, Dr Birx said she wasn’t going to “second judge” the county health officials there.
She might as well pack it in.
Trump's rat fuckers have names
A trio of far-right, pro-gun provocateurs is behind some of the largest Facebook groups calling for anti-quarantine protests around the country, offering the latest illustration that some seemingly organic demonstrations are being engineered by a network of conservative activists.
The Facebook groups target Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York, and they appear to be the work of Ben DorrA trio of far-right, pro-gun provocateurs is behind some of the largest Facebook groups calling for anti-quarantine protests around the country, offering the latest illustration that some seemingly organic demonstrations are being engineered by a network of conservative activists.
The Facebook groups target Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York, and they appear to be the work of Ben Dorr. - Washington Post
yes, it would be better if trump caught a nice case of covid 19 had a tube shoved down his throat and left like that for 6 months. better for the health of a lot of people. some of these people may be willing to risk their lives for their beliefs, but it won't just be them who die.
this is organized and the media is giving them lots of air time even if there are only a few at the demos.
Dr. F. needs to walk away and work for the N.E. group or the western group. I think these two groups have scared trump and this is his answer. the start of the second civil war. no election required then
DeVos, Trump, etc. don't care how many people die because for how ever many of their base die more African Americans and Latinos will die and that is the name of the game. No real efforts have been made by the federal government to bring this under control. Why? because these deaths are working for trump and his supporters, the corporate boys and girls.
as more people become ill they won't be able to pay their mortgages and we will see a resurfacing of 2008 with houses being sold on the court house steps and those with money, will make fortunes.
Apologies Everyone--
I didn't realize you all were at work down here.
Thanks for the info and updates!
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