In the' Club' corner, Mr. Mason of the Globe:
We may never know if there were darker forces behind Christy Clark’s surprising decision to resign, effective this Friday, as both Liberal leader and MLA. So absent any titillating information to the contrary, we are left to accept the explanation she is now offering up for her swift and sudden departure...
...While the majority of the caucus stood behind her, Ms. Clark, as savvy a political operator as they come, could sense trouble on the horizon, especially the longer the NDP was able to govern. She said she took a “walk along the water” last Thursday evening and along the way “my head caught up with my heart.” The next morning she informed her caucus of her decision...
In the 'Non-Club' corner, Mr. Mackin, of the Lance of the Free:
...“I talked to the caucus the day before [her July 28 resignation], I asked them all, did they want me to stay, did they want me to go?” Clark said July 31 in Vancouver. “Every single person in the room asked me to stay.”
That is not the way it went down, according to two independent sources intimately familiar with the caucus retreat at the Penticton Lakeside Resort. Clark chose to quit instead of being dumped...
...The sources told theBreaker that, during the retreat, Abbotsford South MLA Darryl Plecas demanded a review of Clark’s leadership. He even threatened to quit caucus and sit as an independent when the Legislature reopens this fall.
Plecas was not alone in the release of pent-up anger directed at Clark. Of the prevailing mood at the retreat, one of the sources said bluntly: “It was really ugly.” ...
Looks like a 3rd Round TKO, Mackin, to me.
There is a Club?....Darn tootin'!
Update: Mr. Plecas confirms....
Understanding America’s Betrayal Of Ukraine
1 hour ago
…and no denial from denial from Clark.
Has Plecas made himself a power-broker? Or, is he damaged by underwriting Clark by remaining in the BC Liberal Party while they created mayhem?
SH: another typo...aargh!
Side-tracked during typing: hummingbird feeder suction-thing couldn't handle the 35c heat and it released and the feeder crashed!
Clark lying even in a tailspin going down in flames !! cant or does not know what truth is or means or how it hurts and de fames
I don't think she can distinguish the truth from her own warped sense of reality. The moral compass definitely broken with this one. Perhaps the party will now self implode. The forces of "stupid" will split the party and perhaps the BC conservatives will pick up the pieces. This so called business oriented coalition between liberals and conservatives is a mess, perhaps for good. Proportional representation will put the final nail in this parties coffin. We have to move forward in this province and country. The 19th century model of governance does not work in a 21st century environment. A Charbenneau style inquiry into the past 15 years of BC Liberal governance is need to call out the malfeasance and collusion that has gone on between this party and vested interests and their supporters.
Sounds like Mr. Plecas is in the wrong party.
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