Sometimes the Twittmachine can surprise the heckfire right out of you...

If you want to support a fund to support political journalism in Merv's name, head on over to Norm Farrell's place.
'The status quo would like you to believe that it is immutable.' Rebecca Solnit
One of the comments attached to Charlie's piece about Merv;
Glen Clark
Thanks Charlie! Merv will be sorely missed and I really appreciate your thoughtful tribute to a decent man.
Yep, that Glen Clark.
Thanks Keith--
We'll have to try and hit Mr. Clark up for the Merv Fund.
Maybe Mr. Clark's boss could make a contribution that would make a big difference. We need more journalists in BC who work for the public interest without concern for those who want the stories hidden.
"When I began being a social media pain in the ass, I was called an egomaniacal nobody by a prominent TV personality." If Dams Are Built in the Forest –
True to form, Keith Baldry was spectacularly wrong.
When I return home to BC next week I'll be lining up at the VanCity counter.
intoxication of power and loyalty to the party?
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