As Bob Mackin noted on the tweet thread, you'd think the good Mr. Bennett could at least spell Mr. Plecas' given name correctly.
Old Turdstormer?....Well...You know.
Understanding America’s Betrayal Of Ukraine
1 hour ago
There's nothing like a catastrophe to create a deep bond.
"CC had huge support. Him not so much."
Except he's still there and she left.
Bennett's comment sounds as if someone put him up to it considering he is no longer a part of the BC Liberal caucus. My bet would be someone with the initials CC.
One can only hope that the official opposition is not the cohesive unit we are being led to believe by the MSM talking heads.
Old Spittleface---the "turdstormer"---has no credibility. His remarks have always been loaded down with variously maudlin, crude and absurd exaggeration. I'll never forget his blithe declaration that everything up at the Mt Polley tailings-pond breach was just fine---I mean, standing in the sludge-scoured creek amongst mine-waste-caked trees. Imagine, the minister responsible---or supposedly responsible. I might lament he didn't lose his job sooner, but I'm sure glad he gone now!
I suppose he does owe Christy this much, though: she did elevate him far above the competence of either of them. His other boss had a tendency to want to fire him in a hail of spittle. Unlike Christy, that boss was, according to Bill, "not a nice person."
At least Harry Bloy knows when to keep a low profile, the lone mla to support Christy's bid to be Leader of the BC Liberals.
Recently expelled twitter scat on #bcpoli...
Wife of co-trougher looking for apology for paper-less, aged leonine-haired, shape-shifter.
#protest2much #decencykeepsmequiet
One wonders if Judi Tyabji will update her "unauthorized" biography anytime soon ... perhaps she's working on it now?
I would comment but I do not wish the litigation contagion to rain down on we and thee...
Go away bil no one wants to listen to you anymore,or should I say DIL
You would think after a while g.wilson would stop listening to judi tyabji and CC..they have ruined the mans legacy...LOL
OMG that is funny. old crude mouth at it again, his second of "fame" I would suggest it is going to take some time for some B.C. Lieberals to grasp the concept they no longer are important, if they ever were. Bill Bennett of the north is now just another tax payer in the land of deep debt and not many are paying attention, except to get a good laugh. Now going for the good laugh is fine, but he was trying to be serious.
In the grand scheme of things Plecas has more credibility than Bennett.
Blown brain B.S.Bill back with his drival!!! He will never get what his party has done, as they say you cant cure Stooped or insanity i suppose. Good bye take Richie Rich and the rest of the Mob with you. S
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