Awhile ago, while talking about the fantastic local Lotuslandian podcast 'Crackdown', we mentioned that the federal and the provincial government shad, at least partially done the right thing when it came to making it possible for folks who need it to get a 'safe supply' during the COVID-19 crisis.
But what will happen when the COVID crisis abates?
Will we go back to the bad old days with its rising crime and death rates?
Or will our leaders let Dr. Henry take the lead on this one too?
The following is a CBC story from February...
February 2019 that is:
There were 1,489 suspected illicit drug overdose deaths across British Columbia in 2018, and health officials say the province needs new approaches to the problem before the numbers will start declining.
That number from the B.C. Coroners Service is up slightly from a year earlier, but the 2018 total is expected to grow as the coroner wraps up its investigations. Already, more people died from overdoses last year than from homicide, suicide and car crashes combined.
Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.'s provincial health officer, said the numbers make it clear that drug users need a safe, regulated supply of opioids.
"If we're going to turn the corner on this complex crisis, we need to find the ways to provide safer alternatives to the unregulated and highly toxic drug supply and to end the stigma associated with criminalization of people who use drugs," Henry said in a press release.
"We need options to provide people at risk of overdose with low-barrier access to a regulated supply of opioids, and we need to connect people who use drugs with the supports they need rather than sending them to the criminal justice system."...
Here's hoping our leaders let Dr. Henry take charge on this one also.
Tip O' The Toque to MoCo North guy Andrew Kurjata on the Twittmachine.
Thursday Morning Links
11 minutes ago
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