It would appear that Stephen Harper's latest wall of (fiscal) fire, published last week in the paywall-protected portion of the WSJ goes all in on 'Austerity Baby!'.
Brian Platt, doing a little follow-up stenography in the National Post delivers the good Mr. Harper's kicker:
...In the column he takes aim at “leftists” who see the pandemic measures as a sign that bigger government spending should be the new normal, and that taking on high levels of public debt will be easily manageable down the road...
...“‘Modern monetary theorists’ will prattle on about how with low interest rates and monetary expansion this does not matter,” Harper writes. “Their core belief — that governments can never really run out of money — is nonsensical.”...
...“Governments that resist restoring free enterprise and fiscal responsibility will experience recession and stagnation,” Harper says. “Those that do the right things will lead their countries to a far more prosperous future.”
NOAA: The Biggest Little Agency in America
1 hour ago
So a government that creates it own money by simply adding numbers to a spreadsheet can somehow "run" out of the stuff they create from nothing in the first place? Like we can use too many numbers and run out of new ones? There's something "nonsensical" here alright, but methinks it's not what Stevie boy thinks it is.
If you are brave (crazy?) enough to wade into the fever swamps, one of the loudest clarion calls screams out how Trudeau is to blame for the drop in the Cdn dollar.
No mention, of course, on who built an economic petro-state whose currency rates are greatly dependent on the price of oil.
I think a big drop in the Can$ would be just fine - force us to start making things for ourselves instead of paying Asian slave holders for them.
Interesting point of view Ed....
But what about all that stuff we have to get at the Bellis Fair Trader Joe's?!
maybe canad ashoul have one term limit like some reporters in certain sections?
Michael Harris thinks the good Mr. Harper did consider making another run at 'his' CPC leadership.
Hey how about them about 22 presidents and vice at canada post allegedly?
He hasn’t gone away if one follows the right wing propaganda outlets.
Here he is promoting support for Israel, scroll through to about 5min. 17 secs. where the 22nd Prime Minister of Canada is shilling for a fake university.
Prager University.
Doing what he always has done, winding up the right wing extremists wherever and whatever, to keep a check coming in, and not using his economics degree to a higher purpose, if he could.
So for the foreseeable, it’s on with the show.
Thanks Keith--
Follow-up post coming.
under the banner of conservative fiscal responsibility, championed by Mr. harper.
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