It would seem that a lot of folks, including at least one Wachowski sister, are upset about a recent tweet from Mr. Elon Musk, he of the Fremont Factory virus incubator:
Sure, taking that particular pill in the movie was about choosing to take the journey, eyes wide open.
But, as Nelly Bowles notes in the New York Times, the act, or making the statement at least has come to mean something different in the not-so-real internet world of deep statery:
...The idea of taking the red pill later grew to mean waking up to society’s grand lies. It was embraced by the right, especially by members of its youngest cohort who organized and spent their time in online forums like Reddit and 4chan.
The truth to be woken up to varied, but it ended up usually being about gender. To be red-pilled meant you discovered that feminism was a scam that ruined the lives of boys and girls. In this view, for a male to refuse the red pill was to be weak.
Red Pill forums were often filled with deeply misogynistic and often racist diatribes. The more extreme elements splintered into groups like involuntary celibates (“incels”) or male separatists (Men Going Their Own Way, or MGTOWs). Conferences like the 21 Convention and its sister convention, Make Women Great Again, sprang up to gather red-pilled men. Being red-pilled became a sort of umbrella term for all of it.
As these conversations seeped into the mainstream, pulled along by a host of other internet language from message boards to establishment Republican conversations on sites like Breitbart, the meaning broadened and got watered down. To be red-pilled can now mean being broadly skeptical of experts, to be distrustful of the mainstream press or to see hypocrisy in social liberalism...
But what about that red rose in the tweet?
...Musk’s tweet also appeared to align him with the Democratic Socialists
of America — thanks to the red rose emoji which is a symbol for the
Is it possible that the good Mr. Musk was signaling that, despite the fact that he wants to do whatever he wants whenever he wants to do it that he still wants to keep on keepin' on getting those sweet, sweet government subsidy billions?
Los Angeles entrepreneur Elon Musk has built a multibillion-dollar fortune running companies that make electric cars, sell solar panels and launch rockets into space.
And he’s built those companies with the help of billions in government subsidies.
Tesla Motors Inc., SolarCity Corp. and Space Exploration Technologies Corp., known as SpaceX, together have benefited from an estimated $4.9 billion in government support, according to data compiled by The (Los Angeles) Times...
A whole lot of the decidedly non-viruous signal amplification of this thing originated with the blundesttrumpenkinderkleist.
Thursday Morning Links
10 minutes ago
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