In the wake of fired vaccine maker-in-chief Rick Bright's whistle-blowing, many USian commentators are increasingly suggesting that the Trumpublicans are incompetent and have no plan to seriously deal with the COVID-19 crisis.
Mike the Mad Biologist, who has demonstrated his hard-headed, but progressive, bonafides to us many times over the years has a different perspective:
"...To me, it’s become clear during the last week that the issue isn’t solely incompetence. They are capable of competence (not perfection, but competence) when they want to do something. They have been very effective at shredding lots of regulations (the EPA is a hollow shell of what it was, at best), getting tax cuts, and funneling money to large businesses. They also have been pretty good at treating immigrants like sh*t. They are perfectly capable of planning things they want.
So the Trump administration, along with many of its Republican collaborators, has a plan. It’s just that the plan is so horrifying that many people don’t want to believe the administration would do something like that. The plan is simple. Restart businesses, and let the American Carnage ensue. It will disproportionately affect minorities and lower-income people–and if those people were better people, they would have been wealthier and whiter, so f*ck ’em anyway. I think they also believe–likely incorrectly–that the carnage will be confined mostly to urban, Democratic areas. Meanwhile, TEH STONKS! will be doing well, so all is good.
That’s the plan.
Before you make a counterargument, consider this: the Republican Party has spent the last forty years undermining worker protections and environmental protection. Why would they suddenly change their ways? This is what they do because they believe it’s the right thing to do, as horrifying as that is. Sure, this isn’t some toxic sludge, it’s a virus. But they have never cared about workers or public health, so why would they start now?..."
Of course it's banal.
Of course it's evil.
But is Mike wrong?
Speaking of the 'reason' Dr. Bright was 'allegedly' fired....Yet another peer-reviewed dagger to the heart of magical hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin thinking.
NOAA: The Biggest Little Agency in America
56 minutes ago
Mike that Mad is spot on in his analysis, look no further than the orange blob of sludge himself. He thinks his status makes him immune to the virus and that he would look stupid in a mask or following even the most basic guidelines. The "relief" package is anything but a measly one time payment of $1200 and a state run unemployment system that makes it but impossible to get benefits and others threatening cut off of benefits if the workers refuse to death march back to the unsafe workplaces that pervade the country. The lack of strategy would be entirely different if trump donors were the main fatalities but since it is largely minorities and "blue states" whatever the fucking fuck that means, the entire administration could care less what happens and the rush to reopen only ensures that this will last longer than the election. My biggest fear though is that without a strong democrat nominee he is heading to a catastrophic second term and we haven't seen anything yet on the real carnage this monster and his enablers will inflict. Already, they may as well wipe his ass with the constitution as the impeachment clause, emoluments or 25th amendment designed to remove a president just like this were completely ignored, both sides of the aisle share the blame for the mess as impeachment should have started months ago. The other big piece. is the revenge on the Mueller report and the Obama Administration which while designed to distract, may actually work with a county so used to this kind of degradation. All I can say is we really need to keep the border closed and hope for the best for our neighbours and friends to the south. BC Waterboy
The old white privilged party are so concerned with the rights of the unborn child and the sanctity of it’s life.
Once that child is born they couldn’t give a toss if the person lives or dies by whatever means...Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, open up the economy so the market looks good for trump going into the election, etc. etc. etc. as long as the bucks keep rolling in.
Amazing how the saps still keep falling for it.
Just caught the orange sludge blob of pus announce vaccine or not, we're opening back up! Based entirely on the science of his gut feeling. This will backfire bigly.
Poor America. My thoughts are with those poor people who have fallen for the biggest con job in the history of their republic, no not the virus, the bulbous game show host. BC Waterboy
“People of Asian and Black ethnic origin were found to be at a higher risk of death.“
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