Looks we really dodged a bullet with this fine fellow.
I mean, leaving aside the irony of the projection for the moment, just imagine the dog-eat-dog world we would be living in right now, and the civil unrest that would inevitably lead to, if he and his had prevailed in 2018.
I'm no fan of Scheer or the CPC, but if Scheer was the PM when all this happened, he'd do the same thing that Trudeau did. Scheer probably wants to see Trudeau cut funding so the liberals will lose votes in the next election. It's all politics.
ah, the freeloader scheer who had the conservative party pay for his kids private catholic school and took his wife and 5 kids on a government flight which was to be for 3 M.P.s only. It left one other M.P. and Elizabeth May crowded in front of the small jet and he and his wife and 5 kids at the back at the beginning of the virus while we were all to be social distancing. Free loader Scheer must have forgotten May was in the age group, which doesn't do well with the virus.
From reading Scheer's bio the boy hasn't had a real job outside of politics. He was first elected in Sask. at age 25 and has been at theh public trough ever since. That scheer?
It is doubtful Scheer would have done anything like Trudeau. scheer simply isn't smart enough and too many of the conservative party are too right wing. We have to look no further than Jason Kenny's actions in Alberta with the slaughter houses. if Scheer had been P.M. we would have corporate bail outs and the rest of the population could have done without. Just look south of the border, from where some of those cons like to not only get their political help, but their ideas. Lets not forget Scheer's campaign person was previously employed over with Ezra Levant and the Rebel. In my opinion, they're a lovely little group of racists. With Scheer as P.M. women in this country might have found themselves without control over their own bodies.
Ford has stepped up but then he has had some real life experience, along with a mother in law in a care home.
I've never understood why in Canadian politics the homonym of scheer, shear hasn't been used more frequently when it comes to the leader of the CONservative Party.
The size, the scheer audacity, of Ponzi's fraud meant that his name became attached to the swindle. Times, Sunday Times (2008) The scheer audacity to pull it off is what I loved. The Sun (2008) The import of his cheating goes beyond his own life and chosen sport because of his arrogance and scheer audacity. Times, Sunday Times (2013)
I'm no fan of Scheer or the CPC, but if Scheer was the PM when all this happened, he'd do the same thing that Trudeau did. Scheer probably wants to see Trudeau cut funding so the liberals will lose votes in the next election. It's all politics.
Cheer should give this advice to Jason Kenny who has`t worked.
ah, the freeloader scheer who had the conservative party pay for his kids private catholic school and took his wife and 5 kids on a government flight which was to be for 3 M.P.s only. It left one other M.P. and Elizabeth May crowded in front of the small jet and he and his wife and 5 kids at the back at the beginning of the virus while we were all to be social distancing. Free loader Scheer must have forgotten May was in the age group, which doesn't do well with the virus.
From reading Scheer's bio the boy hasn't had a real job outside of politics. He was first elected in Sask. at age 25 and has been at theh public trough ever since. That scheer?
It is doubtful Scheer would have done anything like Trudeau. scheer simply isn't smart enough and too many of the conservative party are too right wing. We have to look no further than Jason Kenny's actions in Alberta with the slaughter houses. if Scheer had been P.M. we would have corporate bail outs and the rest of the population could have done without. Just look south of the border, from where some of those cons like to not only get their political help, but their ideas.
Lets not forget Scheer's campaign person was previously employed over with Ezra Levant and the Rebel. In my opinion, they're a lovely little group of racists. With Scheer as P.M. women in this country might have found themselves without control over their own bodies.
Ford has stepped up but then he has had some real life experience, along with a mother in law in a care home.
I've never understood why in Canadian politics the homonym of scheer, shear hasn't been used more frequently when it comes to the leader of the CONservative Party.
The size, the scheer audacity, of Ponzi's fraud meant that his name became attached to the swindle.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The scheer audacity to pull it off is what I loved.
The Sun (2008)
The import of his cheating goes beyond his own life and chosen sport because of his arrogance and scheer audacity.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
You had me re-thinking things until I saw...This.
Who knows what boweevils lurk in the hearts of fine upstanding hard working conservative men like Mess'rs Scheer and Kenney
And it would appear we now know the position of the political godfather of most of these very, very fine folks (see link to follow-up post, above)
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