Sunday, July 31, 2011
The Real Reason Kids Today Don't Remember Stuff On The Web...

Saturday, July 30, 2011
How Can We Stop The Codswalloparians In Their Tracks?
As much as I like Lawrence O'Donnell, a couple of nights ago when he trundled Marcia Blackburn and Joe Walsh and David Frum out in front of the cameras, I turned his program off. I did it because I am not interested in what liars have to say.
I am not interested in watching a "debate" that isn't a debate at all....
Perhaps inspired by a post by Driftglass or just plain fed-up or both, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell boots a congenitally lying Tea Party Republican phony (a multiple redundancy, I know) from his program's guest list. A policy more hosts and bookers should follow.
This week O'Donnell also had a clinical analysis that every Beltway-media John McCain maverick mouseketeer should have been forced to watch involving a segment on Sean Hannity's Fox show in which the POW hero cravenly bowed to Hannity's badgering. On the Senate floor, McCain still trots out his lion in winter roar now and then, the way Sinatra wowed audiences at the end by managing to hit the right note now and then without his toupee falling off, but put him in a Fox News studio, as O'Donnell pointed out, and he starts dribbling oatmeal. When did Sean Hannity get elected to anything and become the cryptkeeper of the Reagan legacy?
As Driftglass says, "This nation can no longer survive half-Fox and half-free."...
Friday, July 29, 2011
Memo To Jeff Davies: You Don't Dance With The One...
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Good Question Of The Day...
Former Liberal Government Appointees Were NOT Out Of The HST Panel Room
“Let me assure you that I was kicked out of the room whenever discussions on contentious issues were being had,” says Marc Andrew, a former political aide who was appointed to help the independent HST panel.
Memories are often not reliable. John Richards, a member of the B.C. government’s HST panel, has a different recollection of Marc Andrew’s involvement.
Mr. Richards recalls Mr. Andrew and two other consultants who had previously worked for the (BC Liberal) government – Peter Adams and Dan Perrin – were in the room on many occasions when panel members were having their discussions....
...Mr. Richards did not remember anyone ever asking the consultants to leave. From time to time, Mr. Andrew would enter into conversations and make observations, Mr. Richards said.
But Mr. Andrew did not control the pen, Mr. Richards said. “It’s quite legitimate. He could make observations about matters and we could decide whether or not to accept them,” Mr. Richards said. “I don’t personally think there was anything untoward here. He exercised no undue influence on how we wrote the report at all,” Mr. Richards said....
Finance Ministry Flackhackery Ties Self Into Gordian Knots
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The Good Question Of The Day....
HST Shillophant Contract Watch...
Like most political communications firms, Campaign Research Ltd. tends to prefer to operate beneath the radar, they seem to have been willing to make an exception for Ford; not only does the CRL website feature a congratulatory post-victory statement that highlights the firm's role in his victory, but Ciano and Kouvalis allowed themselves to be quoted extensively in a lengthy Globe profile on the race.....
Oh How The Mighty Miro Has Fallen
Michael Goehring, vice-president of National Public Relations Inc., received a contract worth up to $4,000 to confidentially ensure the report was plainly written and contained no omissions, while former Vancouver Sun Victoria correspondent Miro Cernetig got one worth up to $37,500 to research, review and produce that document.
Kirk and Co. Consulting Ltd. - the communications firm headed by Judy Kirk, who served as the Liberal caucus's executive director between 1994 and 1996 - was also given a contract worth up to $25,000 to provide the panel with media and public relations advice.
(Finance ministry communications director) Mr. (Matt) Gordon said it was Ms. Kirk's reputation not her political background that resulted in the award.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Holman Hits FOI Jackpot on Christy's Cozy Contracts...CorpMedia Listens.
The B.C. government office running the province’s pro-HST campaign secretly doled out contracts to two Liberal-connected companies and a former aide to the minister who introduced the tax, records show.
The contracts, according to documents obtained by The Globe and Mail via a freedom-of-information request, had paid out more than $250,000 as of June 1. That included compensating the ex-aide, Marc Andrew, to do what he called “purely logistical” work for the government panel that provided an independent analysis of the harmonized sales tax......
Why Does Christy Clark Want To Neuter The FOI Process?
Last week, the Clark administration announced a major change in how it handles freedom of information requests....
{snippety doo-dah}
....(T)he government has made it more difficult for journalists at monthly magazines and weekly newspapers to reap that reward because it's now going to be publicly posting those records 72 hours after they give them to the applicant. In many cases, that will give daily and broadcast news outlets a chance to steal those stories before the weeklies and monthlies have a chance to publish them.
The media should be outraged by this policy. The media should be protesting this policy. And British Columbians should be concerned too because it impedes the market force that encourages the media to hold public institutions and officials to account. But, instead of protests, that policy has been greeted - for the most part - with silence. And perhaps that is an outrage in and of itself.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Did Seaspan Just Cash In Its Hats?
"The B.C. government is promising a $40 million investment in training and tax credits if Vancouver-based Seaspan wins one of two federal shipbuilding contracts, Pat Bell, the minister of jobs, tourism and innovation, announced on Monday.
"As promised, our government is helping Seaspan submit the strongest possible bid and this investment focuses on job creation," said Bell.....
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Damn Those Damnably Irresponsible Bloggers...
"....there is a specific jihadist connection here: “Just nine days ago, Norwegian authorities filed charges against Mullah Krekar, an infamous al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist who, with help from Osama bin Laden, founded Ansar al Islam – a branch of al Qaeda in northern Iraq – in late 2001.”
This is a sobering reminder for those who think it’s too expensive to wage a war against jihadists. I spoke to Gary Schmitt of the American Enterprise Institute, who has been critical of proposed cuts in defense and of President Obama’s Afghanistan withdrawal plan. “There has been a lot of talk over the past few months on how we’ve got al-Qaeda on the run and, compared with what it once was, it’s become a rump organization. But as the attack in Oslo reminds us, there are plenty of al-Qaeda allies still operating. No doubt cutting the head off a snake is important; the problem is, we’re dealing with global nest of snakes.”...

Saturday, July 23, 2011
The Worst Thing The Campbell-Clark Government Could Ever Do...
....Former judge Ted Hughes, whose 2006 report led to the creation of Turpel-Lafond's office, recommended the review of the office's role after five years.
But he stated recently that, after years of conflict between the representative's office and government, the two sides are only now collaborating as he envisioned. Hughes told the Times Colonist that the representative's office should continue its job of monitoring the Ministry of Children and Family Development for some time.
"It is not the time to discontinue that part of the representative's work," he said. "But if things go as I think they're going to go, two years from now I would think we may well be at the point where that aspect of the representative's work will have been completed."....
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Is Irony Dead, Or.....
RUPERT Murdoch is probably the most successful media proprietor and operator in history. There is no possible argument about his boldness, vision and skill of execution in conquering the British tabloid market, leading vertical media integration by uniting film studios and television stations, cracking the US television triopoly, being one of the great pioneers of satellite television and founding a conservative-populist American news network. It must also be admitted that the Wall Street Journal is the only quality product Murdoch has ever bought and actually improved.
It is unlikely that Murdoch, his son James, or Les Hinton committed crimes. Discerning people should not be impressed by the process of hostile media solemnly citing law professors and retired prosecutors and sources who spoke on condition of anonymity to comment on the Murdochs’ legal problems. No one should begrudge the Guardian, the BBC, CNN, the New York Times and others their fun at his expense, nor take it too seriously. He is, as Clarendon said of Cromwell and the British historian David Chandler updated to Napoleon, "a great bad man". It is as wrong to dispute his greatness as his badness......
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
A Song For Ken
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Wake Up With Harvey O......
Never Mind The Five Million....What Are The PAB-Bots Actually Doing?
....In an email, finance ministry communications director Matt Gordon defended the effectiveness of the government's advertising campaign.
"To compare a news site to an informational site is like comparing apples to oranges. News sites change daily with new information for browsers to review. A site like HSTinBC.ca is a static site," Mr. Gordon wrote. "In the context of government sites in general, this site has proven to be very popular."...