Remember that recent story about the phone polling (done by an actual person!) asking folks if they thought Gordon Campbell is trusty-worthy?
It turns out that it was all about the new federal riding of Vancouver Granville which is, in large part, Shaughnessy (aka 'Cremeville').
It also turns out that it apparently had nothing to do with Senatorville and everything to do with Mr. Campbell's potential run at the seat under the FedCon banner as the Globe's Steven Chase told us late last week.
But here's the thing that few have been talking about, which is that the already declared candidate for the Conservative nomination in that highest of high-fat ridings is none other than the former Cremeinator herself, Ms. Jennifer Clarke:
...The Conservative Party has yet to hold a nomination contest there and one candidate running to carry the Tory banner is Jennifer Clarke...
Will wonders never cease?
Can the Knotty Gordian win in that riding?....Of course he can...After all, this is Cremeville we're talking about....In other words, it's the place where the chosen ones did absolutely fabulously under Premier Gord while everyone else in the province paid.
And don't forget....It was Laila who figured out that something was going down here first.... Just by paying attention.
The Definition of Trumpism
44 minutes ago
In a related development, the butler at Canada House in London is conducting an inventory of the silverware drawers.
Gordon Campbell is the worst most despicable monster of a Premier, in the recorded history of this province and likely in all of Canada. Campbell twice lied and cheated to win his elections too. The BCR wasn't for sale and the HST wasn't on his radar either.
Campbell who was so drunk, he drove on the wrong side of the road. Then Campbell sniveled and whigned and to the people of BC to forgive him. Campbell then kicked the very people who forgave his rotten hide, right in their faces.
However, Campbell is Harper's favorite henchman so, to lie, deceive, thieve, be corrupt, dirty politics, dirty tactics and cheting to win is, right up Harper's alley. And you can throw Christy Clark in the mix too. She cheated to win too.
Campbell needs to be tried for his theft and corrupt sale of the BCR. Campbell deserves a swift kick for thieving and selling BC's rivers. Then the creep forced his stupid smart meters on us too.
What a gang of thugs. Harper, Gordon Campbll and Christy Clark, good grief!! They thieved and sold everything out of BC, they got their dirty hands on.
Excuse me. I think I have to go and throw up.
As Anonymous said- I have to agree that Campbell is a monster, and a liar. It is a sad commentary that he was elected to anything. What were people thinking?
“It is clear to me that those initiatives have been overshadowed. And when public debate becomes focused on one person as opposed to what’s in the best interest of the province of British Columbia, we’ve lost sight of what’s important.”
Hey Campbell ,how many years on that BC Rail lease 988 years.?
Hi Ross thanks for this and all your posts. I just finished reading Alicia Priest's "a Rock Fell on the Moon" - thanks for your heads up and linc to Rod Mickelbourg. A fascinating family story, BC and Yukon mining history and silver heist mystery. (I think it would make a good screenplay and movie too.)
More on silver and to the above comments by Lew and Anon... I do not think that the London silverware will be stolen, rather a 999 year leased will be finangled with price, terms and details not released for competitive market reasons. That is the normal practice.
The return of the hunger games.?or is that and or divergent.?
Can the Knotty Gordian win in that riding?....Of course he can...
David Eby showed Campbell might knot ;)
quelle fromage?
revelstoke ,site 6, is going ahead also.
does BC lowball every project estimate?
does ontario call p3 a waste and bc call p3 a must?
And what are the sleazy Liberals up to in 2015 ?
Why it's making headlines with the help of friends at the Vancouver Sun....
" NDP government used taxpayer resources for party business in 1994: documents "
I wish the Vancouver Sun would do an update on BC Rail.
Guy in Victoria
Re: Eby win...This is not the same riding..This is central Cremeville with no Kits and no campus kids.
Is Maui a part of that riding.?
Only during the holidays...
Christie country?
did BC Rail run over it?
A drink in hand?
Please put down before reading:
Keith Baldrey @keithbaldrey Jan 20
Airing the BC Ferry woman's meltdown is a prime example of how "journalism standards" have been lowered via social media. #ncpoli #cdnpoli
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Cream indeed does rise to the top, however with Gordon Campbell I'm thinking more of what rises to the top of the toilet bowl.....
Keef says "journalism standards" have been lowered via social media.
Yeah. Just think of the journalist he might have become were it not for the hours wasted trolling the Twitterverse for followers and conducting drive-by smears of the BCTF.
Journalism standards have been lowered by the MSM big money people. We have not had a decent MSM journalist since Marjorie Nicols at the Sun from the 1990's. Now the MSM writers are just "Yes Men."
Since we're talking about Campbell, and his former Education minister... let's go a little more OT...
'Throw More Money at Education'
It’s become almost conventional wisdom that throwing more money at public education doesn’t produce results. But what if conventional wisdom is wrong?
Here’s the hitch: The authors find that the benefits of increased spending are much stronger for poor kids than for wealthier ones.
coming back to see the raw log export?
Does Harper even know the difference between political asset and political asshat?
KB says H is no 1
Quick Wins in the news again...
Ah yes the continuation of self regulation?
Once a Campbell,
always a Campbell...
The 'Lying Legacy' Gordon Campbell twists the knife into anti-austerity Bank of England Governor Mark Carney.
By canning the Canadian's wife from the UK based Foundation for Canadian Studies while her husband rescues Great Britain from the excesses of neo-liberalism libertarian misadventures Campbell has cemented his allegiance to Stephen Harper.
as an aside: Nobody has (yet) linked Harper/Campbell to C-51 and 5 Eyes.
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