Earlier today we noted that Clarklandian Education minister Michael Bernier has been dangling what's in an 'unreleased' super-special commissioned-by-the-wizards' audit as a rationale for doing the thing he did earlier today.
Just because the public has not been allowed to see that super-special ultra-indepependent Bernier-commissioned audit doesn't mean that some minion has not whispered into certain media club members' ears in an effort to get the wurlitzer cranking.
To wit:
Wonder if anybody offered the good Mr. Baldrey an all expenses paid helicopter ride over the real estate holdings concerned?
And then, of course, there is Mr. Obvious of Globeland....Wow! These clucking media ducks sure were lined up in a row oh-so-quickly, were they not?
Cult of personality
1 hour ago
Property School Tax??? With public schools closing down in MY existing catchment area, and am now being told I have to send my children to a different catchment area that is already fully funded, why do I have to pay for a service here when there are no amenities being offered?
Why are we paying a School Tax when there is no service?
Bernier's shoes have been shined to a very high gloss by two of the finest shoe-shine boys in the business.
And Ms. Turner's pumps were even pumped while they were at it.
No soles were harmed in the process. As for souls, that's a different matter.
Credit where credit is due...
The Dean's latest gets to the matter at hand...The draft order to fire the board was written Friday the day BEFORE Bernier says he got the draft super-secret audit thingy.
These people are unbelievable.
By hook or by crook? Whatever it takes to win?
BC liberals have a war room?
Does NDP?
The Webster Award nominees:
not surprised to see Fassbender involved...
The order was signed by Bernier & Fassbender BEFORE the 'unreleased' super-special commissioned-by-the-wizards' Milburn audit was even received by Bernier.
Which, of course, is more evidence that this order to hurry up and kill a balanced budget by the VSB trustees before it was born came straight outta Compto.....errr...the Premier's office.
And no pink shirt
If you think back to your school years, say Grade many "smart kids" were in the class? Out of 25 or 30 I would say maybe 4. I mean the really smart ones. My point is there are just not enough smart people in the world left over after science, research and engineering to fill all of the bureaucratic and/or leadership positions we have created. These people are just not that smart. Bernier, Fassbender, and one of my favourite people that still can't use a calculator...Bennett. The meowstream media portrays them as wizards, yet they really couldn't be....unless they somehow got smarter after Grade 5. It almost seems there is a whole generation that wants to get back at some of the great teachers we had, lest they create a larger percentage of smart people....ones that grow up to be critics with legitimate arguments. I am at a loss what happened in our learning systems and during what years that such a disproportionate number of sociopaths evolved. Maybe it was tainted water in the school fountains?
Ah, deflection at its finest. Why do we the public tolerate the incessant BS and ranting from the BC liberals over the education issues in this province? They have spent the last 15 years undermining the "public" system while the private system continues to receive more and more funding. The costs of the private system is going to skyrocket since all the kids cannot possible go to them. We have an ideological battle for young minds and corrupt politicians at play here.
Enough already. The government in this province must be changed and quickly. The public is being held hostage by a government that borders on organized crime and indeed has admitted flaunting and ignoring political policies both legal and financial, in order to see it's agenda moved forward. The next election will be critical for the "public" and its ability to pay for a system of governance that no longer works in the public's favor, but that is nothing more than a huge scam and ponzie scheme, dedicated to indebting future generations on a massive scale. All this, while its political insiders and operatives skim off ever increasing benefits for themselves.
Its time we started these people in orange jumpsuits and behind bars...get them there.
Ah, deflection at its finest. Why do we the public tolerate the incessant BS and ranting from the BC liberals over the education issues in this province? They have spent the last 15 years undermining the "public" system while the private system continues to receive more and more funding. The costs of the private system is going to skyrocket since all the kids cannot possible go to them. We have an ideological battle for young minds and corrupt politicians at play here.
Enough already. The government in this province must be changed and quickly. The public is being held hostage by a government that borders on organized crime and indeed has admitted flaunting and ignoring political policies both legal and financial, in order to see it's agenda moved forward. The next election will be critical for the "public" and its ability to pay for a system of governance that no longer works in the public's favor, but that is nothing more than a huge scam and ponzie scheme, dedicated to indebting future generations on a massive scale. All this, while its political insiders and operatives skim off ever increasing benefits for themselves.
Its time we started these putting people in orange jumpsuits and behind bars...get them there.
I agree that the galloping increases in private school funding from the public purse is hugely problematic.
And wishy-washy concern trolling from the likes of folks like the VSun's P. McMartin is not helping matters.
Post coming on that.
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