That BC Liberal patronage game sure is a long one.
If you get my drift...
Cult of personality
1 hour ago
'The status quo would like you to believe that it is immutable.' Rebecca Solnit
of all people hmmm...not to BC hydro?
Mr.I just happened to be walking by when I saw the police at Glen's house. Nice reward to the good foot soldiers of the Liberal lizards.
Yes and as I was walking by Glen's house I was lucky enough to have my full crew both video and sound with me. Just part of what I do.
care to take a poligraph ?
Do those or leap to this party have no self respect? Sheesh. I mean, I know money is money, but really! Shameful.
And the media in this province stinks and has for some time.
National Enquirer, but on a TV screen.
Then there is Stephen Smart from CBC and buzz that Jas Johal from Global will be nominated to run in mystery riding.
Hopefully Jas Johal does run. Then he can publicly answer questions about why he suddenly stopped his work on the illegal Basi/Virk payoff after revealing key documents and then never revisited it during the year he cooled his heels as a journalist before abandoning the profession.
Will he pledge to get us answers on that file from the inside that he couldn't get us as a journalist from the outside? Or does his payoff come with an undertaking not to go there?
Global fired one of their morning guys, perhaps he too is waiting for his appointment to something from the B.C. Lierals.
They appointed that guy to the new board supervising the real estate industry???????????????? gee that is going to be fun. Wonder if he'll answer questions from the bloggers??
Absolutely nothing more important than to provide bc media with advertising dollars and to offer poli/ gov nobs to those in said media?
What an incompetent gong show.
Here we go again more verbal DIARRHOEA! COMING FROM FILTHY! bunch. Glad she does not have an armed forces under her control we would really be in a pack of trouble.What a complete insane bag of you know what,does she have a directory for the corrupt,lying,gluttonous,treacherously inclined people who mostly had come from well paid jobs any way ERR but i guess they were on the take any way.The big difference between John Daly and Glenn Clarke Glen was hired by Jimmy that explains this whole employment thing, does not say much for John unless he was out doing peeping LOW LIFE Tom act at Glenns house.SCUMBAG.
Lack of land transfer transparency an ‘insult to non-First Nations population': MLA Pimm
MLA decries transparency issues in transfers of Crown land to Site C dam-impacted First Nations - Dawson Creek Mirror
“When you’re not transparent about something, it creates an awful lot of distrust, and that’s what’s happened over the years. As long as things are protected, like access, and people know what’s going on, I don’t think there’s as big a disconnect as people might think there is.” - Pat Pimm, MLA First Nations Stakeholder Advisory Committee Chair, and former BC Liberal seat warmer.
The Pimminator Unleashed!
No expertise here as I haven't read deeply enough, but taking the AHghwayNews piece at face value it looks like Mr. Pimm and his group might have a point.
But the fact that he takes an explicit racist route, based on very dubious numbers, to pile drive his point home is truly deplorable.
And, yes, I used that last descriptor on purpose.
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