From Hana Mae Nassar's breathless coverage of a recent double photo-op by our fine Premier posted to the CKWX website:
...(Christy) Clark joined tens of thousands of people taking part in today’s yesterday's Vancouver Sun Run. While she didn’t run the full race, Christy Clark says events such as the Sun Run are a good way to build community....
It is my understanding that Ms. Clark was there at the start and the finish for pictures galore.
As for all that hard work required to actually get through the middle bits?
Not so much
Of course, grandstanding without actually running, means Ms. Clark had plenty of time to spout messages about her 'message' to the attending stenographers without actually having to submit said 'message' to any real scrutiny whatsoever:
...Joined by fellow Liberal candidates, she (Ms. Clark) is nothing but confident when asked how her campaign is going so far.
“I’ve been feeling really good about it, I mean I’m always an optimist. And my job is just to make sure people know what we stand for, what I want to do if I get a second term as Premier and I feel like we’re working hard to get that message out.”...
If that is really the case one can only wonder why the good Ms. Clark was not on McComb's little morning radio show this morning as was the case with the other two party leaders?
Music Notes
59 minutes ago
Andrew Weaver's BC mostly looks good in the future. No matter, he's served his purpose…Patrician and tweed extruded Christy spiel. I almost prefer the Up Talker, her methods are transparent.
McComb sure was a light touch there...
if Christy had to show up for the show and really have to answer questions it could be a very sad scene. Can you imagine some one who is living on disability phoning in and challenging her on the $908 plus $21 and bus pass they have to live on while her housing allowance is $12K a year, plus salary of $200K and it wasn't enough. that alone could have sent voters elsewhere.
Christy is great, when she alone is doing the talking. If she has to answer questions, not so much. She is a mile wide and half a cm deep.
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