The Vancouver Police Board has nine members.
One member is elected by city council and one is the mayor.
The other seven members are appointed by the provincial government.
Guess how many are connected to the Crony Party by money...
No matter how things turn out with next week's count-off, this must end.
And what is really, really troublesome here is the 'expertise' (or total lack thereof) of those fine Crony Party appointees.
Cult of personality
1 hour ago
and what do any of these fine friends of Christy know about policing in a major Canadian city? Do any of them have any educational back ground which might lead the citizens of Vancovuer to conclude any of them are suitable to be on the police board? Oh, just friends of Christy. Well if we as a city don't change that we can look forward to ever so many problems in the years to come. things swept under the carpet, etc.
no wonder there isn't much going on at the VPD. No wonder there is no policing of the drug trade in Vancouver. It almost looks like surrey which has the RCMP.
With all the fent. deaths you'd at least think the VPD would go with a catch and release program for the dealers of fent. You know arrest, remove fent. and release because we know el gordo did close those court houses and Christy never did get enough sheriffs into the justice system. so when the police board are your appointees and obligated to you don't expect them to do much for the voting/tax paying citizens of B.C.
hey by the way do any of them live in Vancouver, pay taxes in Vancouver, just wondering you know. They're spending our tax dollars. Now we know why the VPD isn't doing much about drug dealers, the police board are friends of Christy and Christy still can't get us enough camping spots for a hot long weekend or formulate any plans to deal with 8 dead kids in care. ah, welcome to B.C.
This is all the more worrisome given B.C. did get named as one of those really, really corrupt places in North America by the New York Times. Wonder if we asked them to come back and do a few articles about policing in B.C. what they would find? Hey if I can't go camping I've got lots of time to write.
What the hell? after the results of the election and the money still flowing into crooked christy seedy mob, now this police board B.S. NOTHING against Asians honestly but i have read the majority are most likely to vote and donate to the party?? Crooked Crusty looks after her pals {media and donors} with jobs, appointments,contracts money.Is there any hope for people that love & try to make a living in this province who care for the downtrodden that Crusty craps on.
quick wins
I wonder what was said to get the quick wins.?
and does it still linger.?
CBC majority of board of directors Con contributors.?
BC ferries BCLib?
Both links to the "Appointment process" are 404.
Remember David Ho? The notorious cocaine snorting millionaire with a penchant for imprisoning prostitutes in his home was also a member of the Vancouver Police Board. This is a club that will admit anyone as a member. And don't get me started on having the mayor as the head of the police department. Many people believe that events that have allegedly occurred under his watch would make a mockery of this title. Will make
Municipal---that is, charter--- governments are limited, by definition and, most of the time, in practice, to administer without incurring a budgetary deficit. The opportunities for political activism are therefore few, which is why appointment to the necessary city police board is appropriate. It's the way it's done here---blatant, partisan cronyism and patronage---that's the problem. The offices should be appointed by either an all-party committee such as the Chief Electoral Officer's, or, even better, by a non-partisan commission.
Safe to say that'll never happen so long's the BC Liberals, who not only need appointees' donations, but also their rear and flank guard against rivals' potential forensic investigation, have any say about. (I've heard that organized crime groups cement loyalty by drawing their favourites into complicity.) That's the main reason why it's so important to sever the BC Liberals from any authority to thwart such investigation: as soon as they can't prevent an ethical inquiry into their shady administration, a considerable partisan network will be revealed and will become as vulnerable to collapse as an unarmored heel. Putting things to rights simply can't happen without taking this step first.
The heightened partisanship of the fixed-elction date should ideally get returned to the armoury and the governing party thence administer on the basis of the public good, regardless of the electorate's partisan complexion. Yet, even during the roaring rhetorical and sound-bitten spin of political self-service at election time, citizens have been indicating their weariness with even the customary partisanship of campaigning, to say nothing of its inappropriate extension into day-to-day public administration; voters' growing disaffection is manifest variously in low turnout, self-satisfied and willful ignorance of political issues and its resulting thoughtless demands for the abolition of political parties and electoral reform, to name just the most common. Christy wows the crowds with completely absurd whoppers because she understands, even with election dates marked on the calendar, presumably to accommodate with utmost convenience, campaigns will always interrupt voters from something else they'd rather be doing. Recently tactical voting (so-called "strategic voting") has been embraced as never before to fire unsatisfactory governments in jurisdictions as disparate as France, Canada and the USA---that is, voters, the half that actually exercise their franchise, are resorting, at the zenith of the partisan cycle, to the most nonpartisan electoral tactic, SV.
Can't say I'm happy to see the electoral reform issue, the goal of which is to ensure we have a system that's totally impartial, remain a partisan football that will be deployed, in all likelihood, for the remainder of this wobbly, probably short-lived mandate. Like appointments to police boards, electoral reform should be handled by a nonpartisan agency---and especially not by politicians, almost all of who are fevered by this long and painful partisan sickness. Citizens just want to get better---that is, back to whatever they'd rather be doing.
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