It's grant writing season.
Which means that I'm an obsessive, absent-minded idiot that is of absolutely no use at all to his family at the moment.
This evening I was banging away on the 'Alternative Approaches' for Aim 3 (something about MAP kinase signaling and annexin2-dependent cell survival) while blasting the music on real speakers instead of the earbuds which is something I can get away with when the lab rats (i.e. the gradual students, not the rodents) aren't around.
And somewhere between 'Clash City Rockers' and a weird live, mandolin-driven version of Steve Earle's 'Copperhead Road' the following popped up on my ridiculously all-over-the-place mess of a Jobsian playlist that is currently set to alphabetical, by tune...
It's me and Bigger E, above, at the little arrowhead on the left.
Well, mostly it's E. with her ukulele and me with a bit of guitar and the backgrounded vocal waver.
I can't even remember when we did this. Sounds like a few years ago.
But I really like it, especially the patter at the end.
The tune is a fantastic one by Danny Michel, my favourite live version of which is pasted in from the tubez below.
Sheesh....Given that it's 9:52 on the Saturday night of the last long weekend of the summer maybe this DM tune, which the Google algorithm picked to follow Coalmine, is more appropriate...Time to peddle home.
Thanks Anon-Above--
M Mothersbaugh, the chief DEVO fellow, is a really interesting guy.
He was on Maron recently.
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