From the press release about a blue/red ribbonish-type thing called the "NAFTA Advisory Council On The Environment"....
...Today (Aug 31/17), the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna, announced the creation of the NAFTA Advisory Council on the Environment. The ten-member council brings together prominent Canadians from politics, law, and Indigenous groups. This expert council includes former Quebec premier, Pierre-Marc Johnson; former British Columbia premier, Gordon Campbell; former Saskatchewan cabinet minister, Janice MacKinnon; and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami President, Natan Obed. The council will advise the Minister as Canada looks to strengthen environmental protections in a modernized NAFTA...
Will the wonder of (progressive vote splitting pre-election gambit carbon tax) wonders never cease?
The SCOTUS’ muddled USAID ruling
1 hour ago
Who knew an expert panel on the environment would require expertise in railroad and criminal trial evaporation?
Not to mention expertise in birthing a rape of river industrial crony complex paid for by public utility suckers....errrr... ratepayers.
Lew: keep bringin' it Brother. Wow.
One former leader named Gordon of the liberal party exits stage left into obscurity, and another Gordon who we hoped would fade into obscurity replaces him at the trough. Must have been the innovative carbon tax that schools and hospitals paid to offset the same inconvenient expense for industrial cronies. Add to that the expertise in creating the hydrogen highway, and minister Mckenna has picked a winner. Must remember to take another look at the federal liberals next time around.
This recycled garbage!! when is it going to end?Trudeau the untrusted!! its time to have another Jack Leyton, Tommy Douglas, We have to take back our country from these Vultures, blood sucking Evil money hungry shameless excuse for human beings.
Too bad (for us) a certain former California governor was not President then we would be up to our ass in aces. Expect Gordon Wilson to soon be added to Team Trudeau's NAFTA energy wizards.
And who says these turds don't float to the top in the political toilet bowl.
@Mr. Beer N. Hockey:
If Wilson is added it would prove his stellar reputation is unblemished after all. He's probably hoping nothing like that is offered because it might spoil his dreams of a better payday.
Oh my gosh, again! Sick and tired of the name coming up yet again. El Gordo, biggest "player" around. The guy disgusts me, still.
JT, you've lost a long time federal liberal supporter for good after this appointment. Never again.
Gordco, the fervent supporter of all things corporate sector but still lives extremely well off the public teat. Its just so enticing to these grifters!
Good point Lulymay--
Wonder what that very fine money talker and one time Rebel Media contributor named Mike, who knows Mr. Campbell, the Gord, oh so well, has to say about that?
OMG does greed know no bounds with this man. Back he is at the public trough. when will he ever get a real job. Not ever known for his generosity for those on welfare and/or disability this man has enjoyed the tax payer's welfare rolls for most of his adult life.
If this is the best Trudeau can have his cabinet minister do, then that cabinet minister needs to go. el gordo signed B.C. into 25 and 35 year contracts buying electricity from corporations at 10 cents when B.C. Hydro could only sell it for 3 cents. what can he offer any NAFTA council beyond crime, corruption, etc. Perhaps he sees this as a chance to give his buddy who got the billion dollar stupid meter contract another big contract at taxpayers' expense. Time to write my M.P., the P.M. and McKenna.
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