It's a question we asked back when the stage whispers began to wail.
Which wizards, exactly, are backing Dianne Watts?
We figured it might be the usual 'progressive' suspects.
Mikey Mike, in the puffertudinousiest-most corner of thePostmedia prints, confirmed last night that, indeed, it is:
...Powerful Liberal party insider Patrick Kinsella is on her side. Seasoned strategist Norman Stowe is her campaign manager. She will be introduced on Sunday by former Liberal cabinet minister Olga Illich and Surrey city councillor Tom Gill...
And don't forget, this bunch likes to hedge its bets.
Which means you should not be surprised if they have proxies back another horse.
But, have no fear, not everything is same-old-same-old in the newly white-washed land of GordCo v-2.0, because...Wait for it...Yellow!
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13 minutes ago
And marky mark and the funky bunch.?
So, Princess Diane ran federally for the ReformaCons. Now she wants to be supreme leader of the Faux Libs here in BC. That tells me what we have known for some time, that the Faux are really the Reform. I truly hope that BC voters are not ready to embrace the culture of a Stephen Harper government again! and their Faux Evangelical ilk.
Ya, we should vote for her because the World needs more Surrey...
“I love British Columbia,” Watts told me. “I really care about this province. And I’m concerned about where we’re headed."
Where we are headed is directly opposite of where we have been under the rule of Campbell and Clark for the last sixteen years. In other words towards a more humane, ethical, and less self serving goverment.
So who is paying for Kinsella and Stowe. Its not like they work for free. So here we go again. If whom ever is paying for Kinsella and Stowe are paying for others to back another candidate, the money people will win regardless of who becomes the next leader of the B.C. Lieberals. Guys like Stone may find they have to actually fund raise to stay competitive. Its not cheap to run as a B.C. Lieberal. It ensures the rabble is kept out of the running and only those whose interests they are there to protect will be able to win. Not a bad strategy for the financial elites and those who benefit from their donations and "money laundering" at the casinos.
Don't forget...
There are longstanding connections of a familial nature between the usual suspects and the funky bunch.
Heckfire, even Ron Obvious knows that.
Or at least he did.
Once upon a time.
SH @ anon 3:34 & e.a.f.:
The BC Liberals should not be allowed to bury the past. Not ever.
We are not dealing with civilized people…if they could run us the way Ertogan runs his show, you just know they would.
The NDP have their moment to expose the Big Game. They best get on it…here's a move in the right direction:
"The B.C. government will appoint an expert to review money laundering at Lower Mainland casinos after a report found large volumes of unsourced cash were easily accepted."
Watts missed her moment. Moreover, her Christy vibe is a trigger...
Methinks there's a dark horse at the gate, one well practiced at how to run the long game-- a specialist that knows how to groom the field:
Christy Clark: 'Rick [Hansen] really is a true inspiration, his leadership has shown us what is possible….'we're behind you Rick throughout your journey'.
>>>>>>>Leadership timing coincidence? …or reintroduction?
Hansen on CBC's The Current, Sept 21/17
Surely even the harper greased BC Liberal movers and shakers won't accept a candidate who ran a red light, t-boned a vehicle and maimed the driver and then blamed the victim for the accident. Even the hapless BC RCMP admitted they got it wrong in the beginning by charging the victim, but now Watts has 'quietly' settled out of court but still managed to keep it out of the Good old BC mainstream media.
The damage Watts did and Hepner continues to the city is unprecedented and detrimental to those who try to make the city better for "all" citizens, not just the "chosen" ones or those who "pay" to get things their way. These two women should never have been in politics and should leave. Honestly, I just shake my head at these two. Actually make women look bad imo.
Her 'concern'(such a vague, deniable piece of mushmouth)seems to be that she's no longer in a position to sell favours to friends &family. Hence,no market value.
well,you know...
Sorry Anon-Above--
Don't have access to
Can you send me the pertinent bits by Email?
pacificgazette at yahoo dot the suffix for canada
@Ron Wilton
From a post by Laila Yuile: NO. M105951 VANCOUVER REGISTRY BETWEEN: Dianne Lynn Watts and ...
Ahhhh yes....Remember it well. Thanks NVG.
Not too dissimilar to the situation with another BCL Pol who had an MVA at 16th and Granville and somehow an extra letter was added to their name so that it didn't turn up in first pass-the-post Googleplex searches.
Laila was all over that one also.
And I'm not talking about the very fine lawyerly fellow who was once a lobb-shopper also formerly known in some circles as Spiderman.
Listened to her this morning on the MoCo. Gawd!
Groused typically, said the NDP inherited this huge budgetary windfall and had the audacity to raise taxes too! What they're going to do with all this money the BC Liberals declined to even mention until the mystery was solved---saved it for election time. Watts called it a mystery. Like she was mystified. I think paying back will use up a got shot of it, and then pay some more taxes. What reason is there to not?
On the fentanyl overdose crisis she trotted out slickly that she personally knows "kids" who got addicted to prescriptions "after a sports" injury ---and are now downtown? Explore all options, she said, more recovery beds. Gosh. Who rote that line for her?
I'm just not impressed.
But of course she does have one thing going for her---she wasn't in the cabinet of corruption like the other contenders (so far).
Neither was Christy when Gordon Campbell foisted the HST on to the unsuspecting public.
Is KP running the show from Gainey AZ?
So,alledgedly, CC had an e to her name?Due to legal reasons?Error?
Anon Above--
At least it wasn't an extra 'n'.
Want to solve the fentanyl problem,,,stop all imports from china untill they solve it,,,that would probably fix it fairly quickly
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