....Because they give too much power to people that don't have big wads of cash to bundle.
Or some such thing:
..."They've arbitrarily chosen a figure of $1,200 for the amount that is the cap for donations (instead of the $5,000 individual spending cap in the BCL's/Mr. Wilkinson's sham-of-shamsickleish 'bill'), and clearly that will suit their interests, there's no rationale for it other than it suits the interests of the NDP."...
Meanwhile, as Norm Farrell point out on the Twittmachine...
And yet, Mikey-Mike says says we, the people, will almost certainly make Horgan et al. pay for the per voter party subsidy portion of the campaign finance reform bill.
Like the way Mr. Smyth et al. made sure the voters penalized the previous gov't leader for things like monies shovelled off the back of wind farmy proximal podia and/or spent on bogus Bollywood bonanzas in purely unregulated, party-targeted, 100% publicly-paid for days gone by?
On the subsidy thingy....Credit where credit is due department...Rob Shaw's VSun piece is solid and well-contextualized (the comments, not so much).
For the record, nobody dug into the proximal podia money shovelling by the previous Premier more than Merv Adey (both the post and the discussion in the comments are fantastic)....
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27 minutes ago
Yep - that $8 a year to every taxpayer is leading the province to financial ruin.....
The level of hypocrisy seems to elevate in reverse proportion to the Province "newspaper" circulation woes, no one reads that rag anymore but Mr. Smythe efforts kind of remind me of the response given by the clean up man who followed the elephants in the parade.... when asked why he scoops poop for a living, he replied, "he didn't want to lose his position in show business"
It's because asking for your fellow business guys too donate personally is so crass?
They be confused. Do real people donate money!
The minor amount of money, compared to the literally billions donated to the Liberals who were in positions of power and subject to and tempted to corrupt our democratic system should be put into perspective. Tax payers have provided money to keep the legislature functioning and people are willing to pay that price. Should we also stop funding that or any of the other department budgets that keep the government operating? Sometimes democracy comes at a price!!!
The BC Liberals had 16 years to show the electorate their version of a donation system designed to deal with improper financial influence on political parties, especially the one in power. The system they designed and defended to the bitter end netted the BC Liberals pay to play millions and our province international ridicule.
The wounded BC Liberal braying about the ship that just sailed should receive deserved derision. The fact that Mike Smyth is braying louder than the BC Liberals shows just how comfortable he was with the previous system.
Yes, I've noticed that the MSM is not exactly on the side of the NDP ever since the short time they've been in power.
If this had been a BC Lib move, Mike Smyth or V Palmer, et al, would have no doubt had an column about it, starting with something like BC Libs bad guys in the first sentence or two, then they would have slowly twisted and spun it to "that extra $8 a year for every taxpayer" is nothing like the fast ferries or the other fiscally irresponsible NDP moves of the 90's.
We must always remember that the Province and VanSun newspapers completely and publicly endorsed the BC Libs prior to each election.
We are not shocked by the continuous tricks/attempts to sway the voters, over time and calculatively, to support the BC Libs next time around.
That there first link: "Or some such thing:" is broken because this is what it says.
http://(instead of the $5,000 individual spending cap in the BCL's sham-of-shamsickleish 'bill')
What a bunch of brainless ignorant liars watching the Liearbels in question period they sounded and acted the same as a sty full of HOGS that had all their slop removed from them all the caterwauling pissing and moaning, to bad the camera could not show these mouthy glutinous piles of dung where the people could see how lucky we were to get rid of this garbage.And that goes for schmity Palmer and rest of those low life Media
Link fixed.
Thanks NVG.
Remind me....Doesn't Smythe work for Postmedia? An outfit that is currently begging for tax dollars to stay afloat. Politics in BC is changing fast. Smythe, not so much.
Palmer calling Horgan sanctimonious is a bit rich considering the source. He is full steam ahead, working like he has not since the Liberals were in power. Don't worry boss, i am going to make this right.
Is there an accurate figure, or at least a qualified estimate, of how much it actually costs BC taxpayers (equalized in a per year amount) over the term of these transitional public payments? I have heard everything from 1.02 to 8.00. I know there it is a very small amount, but when one is discussing the point with detractors it is good to be relatively accurate.
I sure wish someone in the news media would do the math to figure out what the average BC individual has already been paying when it comes to corporate donations and large donations from wealthy individuals. For example. When Kinder Morgan or Imperial Metals (or Murray Edwards himself) gives $500K to the BCLieberals they would get a huge corporate (or personal) income tax reduction. The rest of us in turn have to make up that shortfall in revenue to the federal/provincial government. I suspect that the number would be higher than the $1 to$8 per year currently proposed by Horgan. Maybe Norm is already working on this.
Well we got the BCLiberals past thee point of no return.
from the internet machine.... UrbanFutures stated there were 2,278,790 people that paid tax in 2009....Simon Little of CKNW tweeted the 4 year cost based on number of votes received in 2017 for all parties is 16,355,958...so we have $7.17 cost per year per taxpayer as all that should be getting talked about....for 4 years only.....total of $28.68...like Willy above said
of course there are additional costs of tax deductions already allowed as CCH above states, but that can't be part of the argument on how much Horgan is costing us
I am undecided on whether I like any tax dollars at all going to political parties....be it old or new rules or a combination thereof....I lean towards seeing what they can do with $1200 of after tax take-home money per person and just rely on time and effort put in by volunteers that want a better province....I'm not a real fan of full time strategists and speech writers
Corrupt practices are a much bigger than party financing. Our connected kleptocrats have lined their pockets nicely with cushy positions once they retire. They are well paid for betraying the public. Think of Carole Taylor's reward for eliminating the Corporation capital tax. https://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2009/09/14/caroletaylorTD/ or the IPP boondogle, with former MLAs and Liberal party insiders and government employees being rewarded with directorships in the sector. https://in-sights.ca/2017/06/20/power-from-the-powerful-replay/
Fairness has a well known left wing bias...
splendor sine occasu
'Boss! Boss!....The Coat Of Arms!'
Are you, perhaps, suggesting that we are starting to get our province back?
Criminals dont like across-the-board rules. Consider diane watts,who "will"resign her m.p.'s seat(and parliamentary privilege)IF selected as liberal leader. Just not yet. 'Privilege'translates precisely as 'private law',much different than the law you and i have a duty to obey. For example,exemption from investigation. Id love that,if i was fiddling the bookkeeping. Why else have it? And,the whole drunk driving/running a red/maiming a citizen/lying to cops thing. Duck and cover,dee-dee!!
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