Somehow I think that, if Mr. Moore were to read what Sooey has to say on this he might actually understand (if that is ever his real, true intention) that schadenfreude has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with it.
Instead, it is
so much more:
James Moore, Minister of Whatever, tweeted the other day in response to those of us who would like Rob Ford to face justice for his criminality, which may include murder, that “schadenfreude is so very ugly”...
{snippety doo-dah}
....(I)t’s not schadenfreude you’re witnessing. Millions of Canadians just don’t like you, we really don’t like you. And we really don’t like you because you’ve been such sore cheat-to-winners, very sore cheat-to-winners. Mean, nasty, underhanded, below-the-belt dirty little shits to the two thirds of Canadians who never bought your oily schtick because, unlike your stupid and greedy supporters, we aren’t stupid and greedy....
I leave it to you, and maybe Mr. Moore himself (and/or one or two of his minions who may or may not like to drop by here occasionally), to go and read everything that Sooey has to say on this matter.
As for those folks in the Nation who hang on every word the Ford Bros have to say on their weekly radio show that soon may be no more...
They could do worse than listen to Mohammed's.
radio I mean.
Excitable Boy's version of Moe's Radio Show above....My littler e. interrupted version is still.... here.
As a kid in the 50's working on a farm in Manitoba "Sooey!" was the call to the pigs for their evening meal. the nightly battle at the trough was eat, eat eat as fast as you can. Just like Ottawa and Toronto. Can BC be far behind?????
What a load of bollocks these CONs shovel. Like this.....
"The bullying by the Prog/Liberal media is what's driven poor Robbie to the bottle/pipe.".....and other assorted nonsense.
Sooey's right. Major hate-on for these goofs. (Ditto for the Snook knobs.)
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