Saturday, April 22, 2017

Where Have All The Stealth LibCons Gone?

Gone to scaredy-cat hidey-holes everywhere.


In Prince George:

AiMHi is presenting yet another chance for residents to hear from candidates running for office in this year’s provincial election.

Spokesperson Fred McLeod says an all-candidates forum will take place next Thursday, April 27, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in the AiMHi gymnasium at 950 Kerry Street.

He says candidates from the Prince George-Valemount and Prince George-Mackenzie ridings have been invited to attend...


...He says the Liberals were provided with four possible dates in mid-March but were told by the Liberal campaign this week neither will be attending.

McLeod says he’s disappointed. “Absolutely, but we will continue without them. The challenges that people are facing are huge and they need to have an opportunity for those challenges to be brought to the fore in an election period and if government candidates choose not to be there I think it sends a statement.”

He says one of the biggest challenges facing the disadvantaged in all B.C. communities is the monthly payment of $1,033 persons with disabilities receive each month. That sum was bumped up $50 a month April 1, 2017....


Now I get it.

They're too scared to face the disabled folks they've been screwing over for 16 years.

There is a name for that I believe.

 Kind of makes one wonder what would happen if kids in care, or seniors that need care, or homeless folks organized an all candidates meeting...Heads would likely explode in BCL war rooms everywhere.

And, just in case you've forgotten, the BC Liberal Party candidate in PG-Valemont is none other than RailGate origin story participant Ms. Bond....Shirley Bond.



Eleanor Gregory said...

Not attending "all" candidates meetings was a strategy pursued by the Conservatives in the last federal election. Hope the pursuit of that strategy by the BC Libs leads to as much success as it did for the Cons.

RossK said...


Most definitely a Con strategy...Not surprising given who the wizards have hired to help run campaign.


North Van's Grumps said...

THE Shirley Bond who sided with the WHL owners and against the players!

RossK said...


That would be the one.


North Van's Grumps said...

Interesting, a Google Search for Nettleton and BC Hydro results in ... the California overpriced selling spree where ...:

By overstating demand on each of those occasions, traders created the impression that an electricity supply shortage was looming — leading to higher prices for each megawatt-hour of power available for sale.

Anonymous said...

26 billion for company 2 billion for public.sounds like BC IPP lawsuit SCOC Next?

Anonymous said...

Page 5 states over optimistic demand paragraph 1

e.a.f. said...

Bond, as in Shirley Bond? Ah, the B.C. Lieberals must be running scared big time. No MLAs or candidates at meetings? not even experienced ones? Says a lot. Too scared or too ashamed to show their faces? How will they answer the questions of those forced to live in poverty because they are disabled? what would Christy Clark do if kids raised in care showed up to complain about their treatment? What would Christy and their cabal have to say to children who turned 19 and lost their care because they turned 19?

Keith E. said...

All candidates meeting scheduled for 25 April - Parksville/Qualaicum.

At a previous one held in Nanaimo, Liberals from 3 ridings were invited, none attended.

If the liberal MLA attends the Parksville/Qualicum, a commenter has it about right, and could be applied to any liberal space waster in any riding.

"If the questions are previewed by their scrutineers or scripted ones, chances are she'll show. If the questions are open to the audience submitting without the previewing by candidates first then we will see true colours show. My guess is that Stilwell will likely stay very scripted BC Lib rehtoric responses without much diviation from it."

Anonymous said...

SH @ Keith E.

The BC Liberals are counting on their surrogates to give them an edge. Weaver's candidates, paper or otherwise, should be asked why they have been almost silent about the BC Liberals devastating record.

Eleanor Gregory said...

Just noticed something about the photo. The sign attached to the table where the BC Liberal candidates were supposed to have been seated has a federal Liberal logo, not the quite different "Today's BC Liberals" logo.

Anonymous said...

They might be right to prevent their candidates from appearing, as when my Liberal Candidate, transplanted Alberta Conservative Alana Delong claimed that you can drink a glass of water after liquefied natural gas has been poured into it.
Here's an article that guarantees her a cabinet posting if we are unlucky enough for the Liberals to ride into power with the Green Vote Splitting Quid Pro Quo.
I'm surprised she wasn't pitching Sparkling Mount Polley Tailings Pond Water.
An Empty chair with a Name Label on the Table would probably inflict Less damage to the Liberal Brand.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, you've got supposed journalists griping about the NDP campaign schedule. There's this gomer named Bob Price, who says he's an anchor with CHNL in Kamloops, arguing that Horgan hasn't been to Kamloops. Never mind that he was there two weeks ago.

Oh, and Price's daughter works for the Liberals.

Why do journalists feel they need to defend Christy Clark when she has the entire resources of the provincial government to do it for her?

Anonymous said...

Won't attend public forums? Fear that the mother Corp at bc Liberal headquarters won't like their answers in a " public forum"? Hmmm sounds like the head honcho's at Bc Libcon HQ, want to control the total message or lack there of. Sounds like something a dictatatorship would do or for that matter the Harper Cons, who were booted last federal election.
Perhaps the common folk are a bit fed up with the BC Libcons, and perhaps a tad angry at the mistruth's and false news generated by this worn out group of malfeasant snake oil salesmen and women. We are all tired of " lied" to.

Time to vote the Clark Neocons out permanently...

Anonymous said...

The ghost party

e.a.f. said...

"Why do journalists feel they...." One paper hasn't defended Christy Clark. Norm Farrell has a post up and quotes the editorial from his North Shore paper, part of Glacier News group. Turns out they don't support Site C dam and make some excellent suggestions as to where the money might be better spent. of course we don't expect the Sun or Province to ever run an editorial like that but hey its a start.

Anonymous said...

No doubt the order to not attend public forums comes from the top. What happens when inexperienced candidates make the wrong policy statement ? If any Liberal candidate is going to sound stupid, the decision has been made to leave that to Christy Clark.

Guy in Victoria

Anonymous said...

If you don't attend a meeting you should be disqualified to run unless exceptional circumstance

Len said...

There are enough idiots in every riding in this province that would vote for a rock if it says LIEBERAL on it,,,thats what realy should scare people

Anonymous said...

BC low information voters are like really failing an exam right now.What would your children say?