Thursday, September 18, 2014

Teachers I Have Known...Mrs. G.


I was at a brand new school in Grade 2.

Ms. G. was my teacher and even though it was 47 years ago this month I still distinctly remember the absolute joy (and relief) of being completely comfortable the very first day.

And then she taught me to play the recorder.

And later, because she ran the school choir she taught me to kinda/sorta/almost sing.

So you can blame her for all this.


Good luck with your voting today teachers, no matter which way it goes!



North Van's Grumps said...

1950's Ms. R was my first teacher

Ms. Roy (To children and parents)

Ms. Elsie Roy (To fellow educators)

Ms. R is in the same league as to that of Lord Tennyson, and done so by the Vancouver School Board.

Elsie Roy Elementary School (Yaletown) is representative of all educators, their dedication to working far beyond the limits of the BC Liberal government 45 minutes either side of normal work hours.

sd said...

Mr. Schuster my Jr. High band director.Loved to play comedy albums in class. I tell stories in mine.

Eleanor Gregory said...

Mr. Kozak, my grade 10 social studies teacher, who suggested I join the debating team.

RossK said...


It's really pretty amazing all that suggesting and nudging and extra working, eh?

(EG--debating? How did he, you basically work on you stand-up while working?)
