With shillophants like this, who needs clowns...
Case in point, it would appear that the good Mr. Coyne is dancing on top of a big deeply purpled NaPo float while wearing the loudest 'Double S' suit of them all:
...It has been argued that, while the Speaker’s impartiality may be the convention at most times, it should not be the convention now; that what is intolerable as the exception, for a bill’s fate to be decided by the vote of the Speaker, should be tolerated as the rule; in short, that convention should be respected so long as it is not inconvenient.
This will appeal to that enduring Canadian constituency for having things both ways. But it would do immense harm to the way we are governed. It is a hard enough job keeping order in the unruly cockpit of partisanship that is a legislature, even with a Speaker who is universally respected for his fairness and impartiality. To expect order to prevail with an unabashedly partisan Speaker, under the government whip, is foolish in the extreme...
It would also appear that Marky Mark is now the purple baton twirling drum major for the "No Costs/No Taxes, Bathtub Gin &Toga Parties For All!' brassiest brass-type band...
Of course, there is absolutely no truth to the scurrilous and completely unfounded rumour that Mr. Coyne's float was driven by the current clerk of the legislature...None whatsoever!
Pledge for Canada
24 minutes ago
Found the sparkle ponies! Taking a break from growing the economy, tho. https://twitter.com/kaysteiger/status/878652403045855232
Is that the float driver, second from right?
...next, Marky Mark is going to call for an economic review of Site C and BC Hydro's true debt.
But only in the name of decreasing taxes and providing more Sparkle Ponies for everyone!
The economy must grow, every year, forever. Or else.
Out of curiosity ... why didn't the Deputy Speaker call for an earlier sitting for the Throne Speech?
March 16, 2017
Hon. M. de Jong: I move that the House, at its rising, do stand adjourned until it appears to the satisfaction of the Speaker, after consultation with the government, that the public interest requires that the House shall meet or until the Speaker may be advised by the government that it is desired to prorogue the sixth session of the 40th parliament of the province of British Columbia. The Speaker may give notice that she is so satisfied or has been so advised, and thereupon the House shall meet at the time stated in such notice and, as the case may be, may transact its business as if it had been duly adjourned to that time and date. In the event the Speaker being unable to act owing to illness or other cause, the Deputy Speaker shall act in her stead for the purpose of this order.
To those that are leaving by choice, farewell and happy trails.
To those who seek to return, bonne chance, à la prochaine fois, until we meet again.
Hon. M. de Jong moved adjournment of the House.
Motion approved.
The House adjourned at 12:03 p.m.
The great constant growth GDP model. Economic fallacy I believe. Grow the the economy, great idea. Use malfeasance and corruption to undermine taxpayers in BC then use hidden taxes, and accounting sleight of hand to make fhe books look better than they are...you betcha.
Remove these clowns asap. As for other methods of recovering misspent tax dollars, start thinking outside the box.
Speaker Linda Read is unbiased LoL! not too honest also, Africa & her office revamp extra wide chair!!!!!!!!
Infinite growth on a finite planet. That will work out just fine.
did Reid ever payback money?
3x pencil in?
3x postit note?
3x delete?
3x shred?
ahhh yes the p3 pied piper.
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