Cold, clear, snow crunchy, big moon coming kind of night in Lotusland central...
The Definition of Trumpism
47 minutes ago
'The status quo would like you to believe that it is immutable.' Rebecca Solnit
staggered out at 6 a.m with his tiny lordship to find a tree worthy of his lifting his leg against it. that moon was amazing with all the snow around. first thought was how did that light get up there and then realized it was a wonderful moon!
Amazing indeed e.a.f.--
I was out early this morning also...That glow in the sky and on the ground was almost otherworldly.
SH @ e.a.f.
Our snowy woods were glowing blue. If I had the patience, I could have easily seen any of the wild beasties that regularly travel through on land and above.
ps RossK, this is the first year that I cannot listen bear to listen to Christmas music…I especially loved Radio 2 Early Christmas music. I am protecting myself from emotions, emotions that are easily triggered by the season and especially music.
Perhaps you heard Garrison Keillor with Michael Enright? He said that Trump ruined his Thanksgiving, and he expected him to ruin his Christmas as well. I didn't think it possible to feel the same -- that I would be immune, but here I am, going through the motions to keep things 'jolly' for those I love.
Is it the personal or political that is causing this?
The crazy down under.
Have you ever listend to...
(smart young folks who powered Obama's west wing talking like grown-ups about what's going down and how, hopefully, it can be fixed - it's better than watching re-runs of that old A. Sorkin show)
SH @ RossK
Thanks! Listened to 20+ minutes, interesting re divide between the "Deep State" and the King of the Superficial. Ya gotta treat the 'help' with respect….
Their levity lightens the heavy. Will listen to the rest later.
Here are some voices I've been checking up on for their wisdom, courage and outrage:
@BetteMidler @DaHalperin @billmaher @robreiner @ananavarro @KeithOlbermann @SarahKSilverman @MotherJones @thedailybeast @NewRepublic @davidfrum @BernieSanders
@StephenAtHome (Le Colbert!) @MMFlint (Michael Moore)
Thanks SH--
I really think ANavarro has something to say.
And Mr. Moore, for all his bluster, is often very right about how the world actually works, especially for working class folks.
Ha: a little Freudian slippage to start the day:
David Frum Retweeted
Kyle Griffin @kylegriffin1 3h3 hours ago
It took Trump and his team 87 minutes to fix the word "unprecedented."
[ https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/810123682710437888 ]
Interesting marine 'visitors' at Ogden Point.
Message to the Orange one?
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