Remember the following, as noted earlier this year in a VSun piece authored by Jeff Lee?
...“Just a few months ago, Christy Clark told CTV that if people are concerned about housing affordability they should move to Fort St. John or Prince Rupert,” he (NDP Housing critic David Eby) said...
Somehow I don't think the latest news about how things are going in Northeastern BC, as reported by Jonny Wakefield in the Dawson Creek Mirror, is going to cause a lot of folks in having a tough time making a go of it in Lotusland to suddenly pull up stakes and hightail it up to Fort St. John:
Northeast B.C.’s unemployment rate has risen into the double digits.
The region had a 10.1 per cent unemployment rate in November, according to Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey released Dec. 2.
The rate is the highest of B.C.’s 11 development regions, followed by the Kootenays, which saw an 8.9 per cent unemployment rate.
One year ago, Northeast B.C.’s unemployment rate was 7.6 per cent.
Unemployment has risen steadily in the northeast since late 2014, when the region entered a prolonged downturn brought on by a drop in oil and gas prices...
But, then again, if this issue were to come up in polite conversation and/or the legislature of British Columbia I suppose our fine Premier could always blame this latest state of affairs on the 1990's.
Or some such thing.
Interesting how we didn't hear about the numbers from the Northeast or the most recent province-wide job trends in the BC Liberal government caucus' trumpeting of employment 'good news' yesterday, eh?
And, ya, I know that this type of thing won't be coming up anytime soon the legislature....As for the possibility that it could emerge in any follow-up and/or in-depth anlaysis from the puffed-up punditry that move amongst us as part Lotusland's proMedia landed gentry?.....Not likely... The exception to that rule is a solid piece that looks at both the big and small pictures re: the latest employment numbers by Jen St. Denis in Metro Vancouver.
The Definition of Trumpism
54 minutes ago
The old B.C. play book says its either the federal government's fault or the NDP's fault, never the Socreds/B.C. Lieberals. Yet I remember in the 1980s when unemployment rates were far higher in B.C. than they are today in the North or in Alberta and the late 1970s and guess which party ran the government? You'd think if those B.C. Lieberals were such good business people they could have "cleaned up the mess of the 1990s" by now. Of course the guy who ran the province in the 1990s is running one of Canada's larges privately held corporations and the guy who ran the government in the 2000s, well all he has ever done is been swilling around in the public trough.
the answer will be propaganda ?
Favorite BC movie -say anything
Song -liar by Henry Rollins
Fav Disney character- Pinocchio
Til may 2017?anyway
I believe that Christy Clark stated that a growing economy floats all boats during one of her photo-ops a few months ago with reference to LNG. We have been inundated with the advertisement that LNG has already seen $20 billion invested in the province. The BC Liberal Party has also been crowing about how our province's economy is by far ahead of all the other provinces in Canada.
With all this bounty supposedly brought forth by Christy & Co. could it be possible that the economists that espouse trickle down economics, to which she and her party champion, is the only way to go may be mistaken? It seems obvious to me that the only thing trickling down is a golden shower to the many that reside at the lower end of the food chain.
Why is it that not one Liberal MLA can give us a few examples of that 20 Billion dollars. Just a few projects as examples.... as opposed to the usual 20 Billion dollar figure.
It would be hilarious to watch CC explain those examples. Come on MSM... don't be afraid... ask her.
Guy in Victoria
e.a.f.: "Of course the guy who ran the province in the 1990s is running one of Canada's larges privately held corporations and the guy who ran the government in the 2000s, well all he has ever done is been swilling around in the public trough."
This needs to be translated into a meme.
Re the $20B LNG investment to date, it's my understanding that this includes the $6B that Petronas paid to buy Progress Energy. I'd really like to hear the Liberals explain how this benefits the province, and not merely those who had stock in Progress Energy.
Just adding on to the comments of e.a.f. and SH....
Too bad Progress Energy wasn't flipped three or four times (like our shadow real estate flippers have done). Then doing the Liberal math... 3 or 4 flips X $6 billion = an even more 'bigly' number to impress.
Christy and the Pirates could (according to their Ponzi math) try pumping up the 'clean LNG' numbers up to a whopping investment of $38 to $42 billion dollars.
Galen Alcer aka Progress Energy contributions to the BC Liberal Party coffers 2012 & 2013
SH & EAF:e.a.f.: "Of course the guy who ran the province in the 1990s is running one of Canada's larges privately held corporations and the guy who ran the government in the 2000s, well all he has ever done is been swilling around in the public trough."
This needs to be translated into a meme.
Nailed it...Sigh... nobody seems to want to point this out, immediately dispels all the "blame the 90's" crap that Clark continues to get away with. That the NDP hasn't grabbed onto this is troubling considering Clark's campaign, will again, trash the NDP based on the same old tired line. Point out that the free-wheelin' enterpriser Campbell is nothing of the sort, he continues to milk the public and where will Clark end up after the next few election cycles that the NDP will not win, until they want to win? A golden plated patronage appointment as she has zero business skills.
How long before the BC Liberals insert themselves into the Notley visit tomorrow, without, immmmm, actual 'penetration'?
Oh, wait:
Alberta411 @Alberta411 13m13 minutes ago
Weaver challenges Notley to debate on Kinder Morgan http://ruq.us/63SRnvM #AB
when you dont have stuff, you fluff?or peacock or pidgeon?
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