A tale of two 2016 'programs' for your consideration...
Job training for all of the high school students of British Columbia versus photo-ops for one single British Columbian potentate.
Which one do you reckon won the tax dollar tug-of-war?
If you were thinking that a policy that actually helps all of the citizenry is the only possible right answer you would be wrong.
Job training for kids = $728,000.
Photo-ops for potentate = $1,000,000.
The Definition of Trumpism
40 minutes ago
I was wondering in which bunker in Hawaii, the Marissen Club quaffs cocktails.…A little search reveals nada, and then this…which we need more of, to balance the thumbs on the scale, of the boys who play along:
"WITH BC taxpayers expecting to foot a hefty bill for the Royal family’s 8-day trip to the province, their sudden upcoming tour of Hawaii will also be funded by British Columbia, a government official has confirmed.
Prince William and his family were originally expected to return to the United Kingdom, after their whistle-stop tour of BC. However the Windsors will instead enjoy a 4-night stay in the luxurious Ritz Carlton in Maui, courtesy of the governments of British Columbia and Canada.
“The weather in Vancouver has been rather dreadful since we got here,” Prince William told the Daily Hive. “So we’ll really need some sun before we return to the UK. We’re ever so grateful.”
Christy Clark and her b.c. lieberals have a $2B slush fund to go to election with, but she is still clawing back money from the disabled and their tiny pensions every month for bus passes. We have hundreds dying in the streets from drug overdoses.
You do have to wonder about Christy clark and the b.c. lieberals. A meaner bunch you would be hard pressed to find, O.K. forgot about Assad and Putin, but ..........Christy is moving up there.
look at all those part time jobs from my high flying private jet and helicopter rides
Remove the criminal element from Victoria as quickly as possible. They "are" organized crime!
Organized crime is partly right, more like economic hitmans for the very USA corporations bound to reap the rewards from the hit. They might as well just annex our belle province (if they haven't already) considering "we're in the way" between them and Alaska.
Have considered The BC Liberal Party as a criminal organization for years.
SH @ Chuckstraight
Even Argentina has standards…
David Frum Retweeted
Gabriel Elizondo @elizondogabriel 55m55 minutes ago
ARGENTINA: Former Pres. Cristina Kirchner charged with corruption in 794 page brief filed by judge. Kirchner has previously denied charges
As I recall, did not one of the BC Liberal ministers say during this past year that "we are not corrupt"? Was the minister of mines I believe...
the 2017 defer deny deflect deter election?
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