From the Holiday message of our finest of the finest fine Premier:
...“However you choose to celebrate the season, we can best honour the spirit of Christmas by remembering the less fortunate – our neighbours who struggle to make ends meet, or put a roof over their children’s heads. If you have the time or money to lend a helping hand, you can make a tremendous difference in someone’s life."...
Guess that means it's up to us sheeple to don the yoke of governance so that we, rather than the legislatively bereft Premier and her can government, can hand out bus passes to the disabled, come up with a plan to deal with 20% of kids in poverty in this province, rebate MSP premiums, build affordable housing without purposefully reinflating the CondoKing bubble, come up with $70 billion or so to take care of all those Hydro commitments will jack rates forever, and pay the taxes of those cronies, resource extractors and fat cats that aren't.
Or some such thing.
As for the sub-header to this post?
As you may recall, that ode to anti-crony capitalism known as 'It's A Wonderful Life' is apparently Ms. Clark's favourite movie.
And the $17.50 detail in the sub-header refers to the very best anti-crony part of the 'Run On The Banks' scene...Wait for it.
The Definition of Trumpism
40 minutes ago
Good post RossK.
My response to Christy Claws is somewhat shorter.
Shove it, Christy.
What a piece of crap she is,every time she opens her mouth it makes me want to my real world....merry christmas to everyone who lives in the real world....thanks Ross
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Ross - are you on the Island for the celebrations?
Actions speak louder than words.
“From my family to yours, I wish all British Columbians a Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and a very happy 2017.” - Christy Clark
I'd feel a lot happier if she donated all the money from the one on one $30,000 donations that she garners for the BC Liberal Party fund raising.
Seems like it is Christy herself should be donating some of HER time and some of HER own personal money to help the less fortunate that her government has not and will not be 'helping'. After all, she is collecting in excess of $190K in her 'job' and another $50K in 'car allowance' which puts her considerably above the median income here in BC. As far as time goes, maybe she could absent herself from some of her photo-ops and one-day charter trips to the area she represents but does not live in to work with some people with mental illness and addiction problems - you know, the people who are living in the 'real world'....
Christy Clark doesn't care about you.
o/t to this post, but...
Anybody remember the BILLION we all spent on smart meters?
"The UK government has been accused of burying a report on its hated £11bn smart meters project by releasing revised spending data just hours after the election of Donald Trump."
Yes, I remember the smart meter program. It cost me a $1800.00 bill. Rich Coleman could care less, I had to pay the bill to keep the Hydro on. The crap that followed was to much stress, nobody really cared, it became too much! Tomorrow I welcome my 5 grandchildren and 6 grand dogs! Looking forward to it all. Love and best wishes to all. Arlene
All the best to you and yours Arlene!
And to everyone else too!
GW--Yup, we're here!
My sense is that any televised message of holiday greetings is laced with platitudes and lies and is supposed to make us feel as though the celebrity in question cares deeply about us, as opposed to our wallets. One less mega project would cure pretty much all the ills of today and an inclusive economy would ensure that none of the ills mentioned in this post would ever resurface. My horizon isn't far enough for me to be able to see that day, but if we all work toward it, who knows? As with every other day of the year, I wish all here a season of caring and mutual aid.
Should someone do this in BC?-
Offers $20,000 Prize for Anybody Revealing Information on Destroying Records!?
Hello ,
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