Sure it's bizarre.
In the extreme.
But, then again, according to the time stamp it was posted after 9 pm on a Saturday night.
Gosh, I wonder if he who counts his followers (and, much, much worse, spews on others deemed to have too few) was actually peeved by the fact that Norm's tweet sat at or near the top of the #bcpoli preferred list for most of the weekend?
Previous Keef Reports, and there have been many, can be found....Here.
And the first rule of said Ledge Club?....Thou shalt not diss the work of fellow members....As for 'Idiot Bloggers'?...Well.
There is a Club?...You bet there is (he said as non-hatefully as possible).
Understanding America’s Betrayal Of Ukraine
1 hour ago
I don't believe Baldrey has an ethical bone in his body.
Slightly off topic I also wonder if the H2S issue in Saskatchewan is one of the reasons Brad Wall gave up his premiership. RG
Interesting question RG.
So BCFerries posts its 1st quarterly report before deadline but is BCHydro breaking law by being day 92 so 2 days late of deadline? 3rd quarter just started.
Not too many people in BCMedia can be called investigative.?Some might be possibly too busy with speaking gigs.?
Keith Baldrey is now accusing Globalnews of spewing hate, as usual, with his tweet.....
BC Hydro’s forecasting has come under added scrutiny
Just wasted some time trying Google for "BC Hydro demand forecast". Gave up after five pages of results showed many sources of analysis and discussion; none from Global news. Zilch. Nada. Dick all.
My money's on Norm.
Sour grape whine.
Late night rambler of the insidious kind. Truth always hurts and this man is vulnerable to truth. Especially after nine o'clock. Gave up journalistic integrity when he thought he was the only one entitled to journalistic opinions. Prime case of being able to dish it out but thin skin when others express contrary opinions. Him and The Inspector. Really sick of this kind of journalism. Appreciate Farrell actually researches.
libel slander?
LL an activist?
bloggers ..
Google Search Criteria RTDNA code of journalistic ethics keith Baldrey
Who pays attention to Baldrey these days? Norm Farrell, well yes we pay attention. he researches.
Scotty, that was so funny.
Hey how about investigating why BCHydro is in day 94 of not posting 1st quarter results.its now 3rd quarter!!!
BC Hydro was obligated by statute to have released 1st quarter financial results by September 15. Explained here:
Got it Norm and Anon-Above--
(and, for the record I cannot find one pixel of either spew or hate in Norm's fact-filled blog post)
i sense a lawsuit coming?In Norms and or others favor?
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