Sunday, August 14, 2011

Better Than Any Sunday Show Ever Was....


You want to know how the Congresswoman from Minnesota really captured the corn belt vote?

Well, given what political discourse in North America has become, it may have little to do with Ms. Bachmann's faux conservatism, her serial falsehood spouting, or even her wanton desire to fuse, rather than separate, church and state.

TBogg explains, with pictures!



Anonymous said...

Bachmann didn't win the straw poll - she bought her 152 vote margin over Ron Paul.

Bachmann spent upwards of $1 million, paid for over 6000 tickets, paid for Grammy Award winning, country musician Randy Travis to show up, and bussed in Randy Travis fans in order to secure 152 more votes than Congressman Ron Paul.

Michele Bachmann’s camp handed out flyers, which stated that in order to see the entertainment, you had to vote for her first.

While Bachmann gave out over 6000 tickets(worth $180,000 at $30 each), she received ~4800 votes, so 20% of those who she bought tickets for voted for other candidates.

RossK said...

Thanks Anon-Above.
