I leave it you, Dear Reader, to decide:
The New Democrats were still getting over the shock of not being chosen to form government when they were summoned for the duties that they were elected to perform — serving as the official Opposition in the provincial legislature.
Opposition is one of the great institutions in our parliamentary system and critical to holding government to account. But not a welcome assignment when you’ve spent months expecting to take up seats on the government side yourself...
{snippety doo-dah}
...Still, once the session got underway the New Democrats managed to pick themselves up off the floor and score points off the government here and there....
'Here and there', indeed.
In fairness, there are some specifics in Mr. Palmer's ledge session closing column that are worth considering in some detail...Will return to a few of them later...
Links 3/8/25
1 hour ago
Now that Palmer has defined the role of the NDP in our democracy, one wonders when he will define his own for us. He could just as well have written, “A free and functioning press is one of the great institutions in our parliamentary system and critical to holding government to account. But not a welcome assignment when it’s on the government side itself.”
And the last sentence in his column would better read, “But a reminder too that the press won’t lack for raw material, providing it settles its role question forthwith, then gets on with the necessary business of holding the government to account for the next four years.”
But that would mean he’d have to actually get his hands dirty and break a story, which he hasn’t done in years, despite supposed access to the main players. There’s a reason his efforts on ‘NW are described as the cutting edge of the ledge. It’s because he dwells safely on the edge; never venturing anywhere near the mysterious core that should be the journalist’s goal.
Brilliant Lew.
Absolutely brilliant.
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