And after they compared gloves they compared scars...
Woody was impressed by the mishmash of collagen fibers covering the Human Vacuum Cleaner's biceps tendon caused by a gruesome spiking that occurred at Vancouver's then Capilano (now Nat Bailey) Stadium in 1959.
Found this image of Brett and Brooks (not a country music duo, btw) at one of my favourite baseball blogs...Ninety Feet Of Perfection.
Links 3/8/25
2 hours ago
Yikes. I just had my biceps (third distal) re-attached one week ago today, although it was work related. Not a day at Playland.
Brooks' was work related too. That Cap/Bailey (not ever Big Bank for me) foul ground is just so darned narrow.
Hope yours is better soon.
But, come to think of it, a wounded wing is no reason to avoid a day at Playland.
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