Thursday, December 04, 2014

Advent Jukebox Day 2.....Star Star.


'Star Star' is still one of may favourites of all the Hansard tunes.

And it's not even a wedge song.

I think what really slays me is that, in true 'singer-songwriter.....we don't always do Lizzy' fashion*, it was written about something very specific but could actually be about anything.


As is noted...

It's not really a Christmas song.

But it could be.



*Wanna know about 'singer-songwriter stuff' vs. 'Thin Lizzy' and how that can all work out just as it should....Well...You'll just have to watch the movie (which is great at Christmastime by the way).


karen said...

Really lovely! Both of them. The Fairy Tale of New York is one of my favorites!

RossK said...

Thanks karen!

It is an amazing song.
