'Twas The Night Before Christmas, as enunciated by the bottomless voice of Mr. Dylan...
Merry Christmas Everyone!
And So It Begins...
2 minutes ago
'The status quo would like you to believe that it is immutable.' Rebecca Solnit
Merry Christmas RossK and family !
Now that was a treat! Merry Christmas to you too, Ross and best wishes for the New Year to you and yours.
'Twas a treat, indeed.
In the genius of teh Googleplex, I got there from the Lou Reed version of Blue Christmas...
Merry Christmas Sd and BY!
Man! I sure spent a lot of money trying to get a voice like that! Fortunately, though it's been a number of years since giving up the Tom Waits recipe for vocal idiosyncrasy (like, no more Gaulois and Cognac), I keep getting closer nonetheless.
Happy everything, Ross K, to you and yours.
There is another way...
You could get a kinghell rhino virus-driven upper respiratory mucus fest followed by streptococcal chaser.
Kinda/sorta like I have right now.
You will sound like Mess'rs Dylan, Waits and Jennings (he of the wailin') all rolled into one.
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