The Clark government's biggest trash disposal of the year took place late last week.
And just because it's the Monday of the week after the dump as well as the Monday before Christmas doesn't mean that the stench is gone.
The following is what was in the second dumpster.
Rob Shaw of the VSun did the diving:
VICTORIA — A plan by the B.C. Lottery Corporation to save millions in staffing costs backfired and cost the corporation $25 million, a government audit has found.
Finance Minister Mike de Jong said the audit, released Wednesday, flagged several troubling human resource issues, including a plan to save $20 million by eliminating 68 staff this year that led to a rush of 142 early retirements and severance packages that cost the Crown lottery corporation $25 million...
Why so costly?
Well, how about 18 month severance packages regardless how long anyone worked for the 'corporation' previously run with great aplomb and total impartiality by the incomparable Mess'rs Turner and Graydon.
But here's the thing in the dumpster that Mr. Shaw found that is really scary:
...The audit also said 86,000 large cash transactions and 1,000 “unusual or suspicious financial transactions” reported by BCLC to a federal watchdog in 2013/14 was a “significant increase” over previous years and raised concern about money laundering inside B.C. gambling facilities...
Unfortunately, Mr. Shaw (and/or his editors) didn't bother to indicate what the real concern with such 'suspicious financial transactions' is.
You know that part about turning real garbage into gold.
At our expense using our magical, impeccable and impartially managed laundry services.
What was in Dumpster #1?....Why, the Health Ministry Investigation non-review review which, of course, was covered impeccably and with great thoroughness by the local proMedia.
And So It Begins...
5 minutes ago
And I thought limburger cheese smelled bad.
Not a peep of Revelstoke site 6, 500mW for 420 million vs 600mW more for site C at 10,000 million dollars
What is the perfect crime in BC.?
Immunity at the top.?
Stack the deck?
coal is gift.
debt 100B.
money laundering? how swell, just another useful service from the B.C. Lieberals. Can hardly wait for, oh, right forgot its the RCMP so they won't be investigating. Perhaps Interpol will come calling, because international "organizations" have found out how wonderful it is to launder money in B.C. and how easy.
victoria capitol?
BCLC's revenue is flat. We need to gamble more!
...... BCLC, in following the new Crown Corporation Executive Compensation Policy eliminated perquisites and allowances and the bonus program. For executives, the changes made complied with this new policy. However, for some of the non-executive employees, the changes were more generous and contrary to the intent of the policy.
BCLC completed a staff restructuring in March 2014 as part of a larger $20 million cost saving initiative. As a result of the larger than expected number of employees taking advantage of the early retirement and severance packages being offered, as well as involuntary terminations, the cost of the initiative was approximately $25 million. With better internal planning and coordination, BCLC could have minimized the costs and staffing impact of this restructuring exercise. ......
And how many quit and went to paragon.?
India or bust?
A most interesting question, that...
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