Our good friend Danneau has something important to say about the flack-hackery campaigns of super-fine, super-flush Pipeline Co's over at his place, 'Out Of The Fog':
...It’s also galling that these campaigns, with all their half-truths, deceptions, misdirections and faux sincerity end up being paid with our money, as they write it all off their revenue stream as a cost of doing business, further enriching the media Mob who happily broadcast this shite and pocket the proceeds. Look-here, you get to tie your own noose!...
Danneau also compares and contrasts the lives and times of two Ian Andersons.
Only one of which plays the flute.
And So It Begins...
24 minutes ago
same site a few days ago...
the phenomenon of the RCMP having routinely filed falsified flight reports, committing various transgressions against the general rules of flying. The report was touched off by reports from a whistleblower and was the subject of an inquiry by the Federal Integrity Commission whose leader, Mario Dion, has a rather tart comment on the RCMP failing to uphold laws it was designed to uphold. And, in typical fashion, the federal government didn’t want this material to get out to the public.
The report remains under a legal challenge from the federal government, which wanted to quash the findings before they could be made public.
As much as I enjoy Ian Anderson's music, his fish farm foray left a terrible taste in my mouth.
Thanks Anon.
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