How is the following, as reported by Andrew MacLeod in The Tyee not as bad, or worse, than the machinations of the good Snooklandian minister, Mr. Amrik Virk:
...According to the (public MLA) disclosure (form) filed by Justice Minister and Attorney General Suzanne Anton, her spouse, Olin Anton, receives income from work for Deloitte Management Services and partnership income from parent company Deloitte LLP.
In 2012, the website for the Chartered Accountants of B.C. said Olin Anton was made a managing partner of Deloitte Vancouver.
Via various subsidiaries, the accounting and consulting firm had significant business with the provincial government. Some assignments were high profile, such as the direct award contract for $684,000 to review data breaches from the Health Ministry that was given to the firm without taking competing bids or the audit of the Portland Hotel Society's finances before the province stepped in to replace the public housing agency's leadership...
After all, while Mr. Virk got some fine folks more dough from the public purse than they were supposed to get, at least in those cases the fine folks concerned were picked for the job after an actual search process (read 'bid' in academese).
I mean honestly....
Will this stuff never cease with these people?
(and if you think it will you should click through on Mr. Macleod's story and read the entire thing)
And So It Begins...
24 minutes ago
Didn't bc spend 55 m on Deloitte last year?
Read and weep
55 million at a minimum.
BC Liberals simply cannot do anything on the square, they just don't have the parts so for them it's truly impossible. And they cannot be redeemed, no matter what they or anybody else does.
Virk should be hauled in front of a judge.
Professional Career
Partner, Deloitte & Touche LLP – 2002 to present
• Head of Audit Practice – 2013 - present
• Head of Audit Practice – 2004 to 2011
• Manager Partner – 2012Partner, Arthur Andersen & Co. – 1988 to 2002
• Head of Audit Practice – 1990 to 2002
• Staff/Manager – 1976 to 1988
Also listed on Linkedin for whoever is registered there
It's the no bid business that really bugs me...
city of vancouver has had no bids. rent a car bid during olympics at least ?
Yup, that particular hydra-headed venture was awash in them.
And we're still paying for all those 'Legacies Now'.
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