From Jonathan Fowlie and John Bermingham in the VSun:
METRO VANCOUVER (May 04/09)— Premier Gordon Campbell on Monday stood by comments he made during Sunday’s televised leaders’ debate when he attacked NDP Leader Carole James, telling her that being premier was a “big job” that’s “hard to get a handle on.”
Yup, it sure is 'hard work' being the premier Premier alright.
Way too hard for a little lady like Carole James.
Didn't somebody else say that about his hard workin' job too?
You betcha.
Gordon Campbell v1.1 is our predicted May 13/2009 version of the 'New Boss, Same As The Old Slash, Burn and Privatize Boss' that we got in 2001.......Only meaner.
The Dean says they're all the same.....kinda/sorta....Maybe Mr. Palmer should put somebody on double-secret-probation....But.....all joking aside.....He does understand how this 'define him before he defines us' stuff works in this negative-spin-gone-crazy wurlitzer world works, right?....see: Bogus Wedge Issues, Silver Platters 2005, for example......More on that last one, 2009 edition, coming right up.....
Photo credit: The VSun's Glen Baglo.....And normally, we don't post-up pro-shot photo stuff because it's their livelihood and we don't want to poach (and because we believe in a DIY world!)......But this time we did it as a public service given that Mr. Baglo managed to catch the Mom(?) pushing that poor kid's hand out towards the 'Grandfather'.....
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